Disappearance Of Little Boy Breaks Hearts At Penn State University

Penn State is famous for their love of young boys, but the most famous niño is undergoing a sex change operation. This is again causing the hockey stick to go limp.

sst_anom.gif (800×600)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Disappearance Of Little Boy Breaks Hearts At Penn State University

  1. Otter says:

    Little Boy? They’re upset over an atom bomb?

  2. Gator says:

    Maybe it’s time we put CAGW on a milk carton.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Lol, great idea! Someone should design a mock up image, with text and all. Though I’m not sure if we need to even include the C part, as (c)AGW. Or we could ad it to an MIA list, though the bs warmists don’t seem akin to soldiers at war, but more like effete pansy (male) cheerleaders, that have no qualms at all about duping and selling out the mainstream citizens in pursuit of their nutty leftist dreams.

  3. chris y says:


  4. Bob says:

    Odd, looks like all the warm water has gone to the top of the globe.

  5. Andy DC says:

    That hot pocket must have caused the record number of named rain showers at 50 N and 50 W.

  6. richcar1225 says:

    The following animation from NCDC reveals how quickly the Ocean heat is evaporating.

  7. Sparks says:

    Ha! Just got it…

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