Obama Loses His Mind In Wake Of Debate Disaster

By David Nakamura, Thursday, October 4, 11:32 AM

DENVER — A day after his subdued debate performance, President Obama delivered a feistier critique of Republican nominee Mitt Romney, telling 12,000 supporters on Thursday that his rival had misrepresented his positions because “he does not want to be held accountable.”

Earth to Hussein – you have been the president the last four years, not Romney.

Obama said the “very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney” onstage at the University of Denver was an imposter who suddenly was dancing “around his positions” on tax cuts, education and outsourcing.

A more apt description would be that America got to see the real Obama,without a teleprompter.

After sluggish presidential debate, a more combative Obama appears at Denver rally – The Washington Post

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Obama Loses His Mind In Wake Of Debate Disaster

  1. gator69 says:

    “Obama said the “very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney” onstage at the University of Denver was an imposter who suddenly was dancing “around his positions” on tax cuts, education and outsourcing.”

    Barry was his dance partner and had multiple opportunities to ‘lead’, but as usual he failed, miserably. Instead he sulked all night… in between his transparent lies.

  2. daveburton says:

    When Obama took office, the official unemployment rate was 7.6%, now it’s 8.1%. Not much worse, right?

    Wrong! What happened is that the “labor participation rate” (percentage of working age people who are “in the labor force,” i.e., either working or looking for work) dropped. If the same percentage of working age Americans were still in the labor force now as were when Obama took office, the official unemployment rate would be 11.2% rather than 8.1%. The difference is the more than 5 million Americans who’ve given up looking for work.

    It is unbelievable to me that Obama is actually running ads boasting of his record of job creation. Does he REALLY think that American voters are THAT gullible? Could he possibly be right??

  3. Sundance says:

    I saw the video and the people behind Omama looked like kids that got extra credit at school for attending. Barry’s back to exuding his coolness to win hearts and mindless.


  4. slimething says:

    The Leftie Loones are mad at Obama because he didn’t bring up the “47%” and other issues. I wondered why as well, but Rush Limbaugh hit on the head; Romney was hoping Obama would because all that crap are for TV ads whereby the accused cannot defend themselves. Today however, Obama is out there shooting his mouth off because that is what cowards because they don’t have the guts to face their opponent and throw the mud.

    Unfortunately daveburton, there are a lot of gullible people out there.

  5. Andrew says:

    Ha! “doesn’t want to be held accountable” A classic example of ‘Projection’.

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