Facebook Is Protecting The Scumbag In Chief

The Seals put this up, and Facebook took it down. Put it up on your Facebook account.

Facebook Censors Navy SEALS to Protect Obama on Benghazi-Gate

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Facebook Is Protecting The Scumbag In Chief

  1. kim2ooo says:

    Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings.

  2. gator69 says:

    I have made sure this is getting reposted at individual sites on Facebook, including my own. This is the first time I have used that account in years, thought about canceling it, but realized the sweet irony of spreading this all over their site.

  3. Jourtegrity says:

    Insane really. More censorship of all sorts since Obama became president. Libs don’t see it, MSM doesn’t talk about. How do we OUT the media? What can we do?

  4. Anthony S says:

    The Streisand Effect strikes again.

  5. Jimmy Haigh says:

    I put it up a couple of hours ago – still there.

  6. Blade says:

    If I had it my way they would make a commercial attacking President DingleBarry for screwing up the OBL operation.

    “Obama had a chance to take the world’s most wanted man alive, a man whom the United States taxpayers have spent untold millions tracking.

    But Obama was afraid of having to subject him to harsh interrogation to extract the vital intelligence only Bin Laden knew. Obama was also afraid to have to decide on a military tribunal instead of a civilian trial in America as his administration advocates for.

    Therefore Obama called his military advisors from the gold course and told them to not take him alive at any cost. He did not do the right things. He did the easy thing. The wrong thing. And more Americans will die as a result of Bin Laden taking the names of other terrorists to his grave.”

    The retards that administrate facebook are incapable of understanding such matters

  7. Blade says:

    ARRRGHH! Typo. Golf Course!

    “Obama had a chance to take the world’s most wanted man alive, a man whom the United States taxpayers have spent untold millions tracking.

    But Obama was afraid of having to subject him to harsh interrogation to extract the vital intelligence only Bin Laden knew. Obama was also afraid to have to decide on a military tribunal instead of a civilian trial in America as his administration advocates for.

    Therefore Obama called his military advisors from the golf course and told them to not take him alive at any cost. He did not do the right things. He did the easy thing. The wrong thing. And more Americans will die as a result of Bin Laden taking the names of other terrorists to his grave.”

    The retards that administrate facebook are incapable of understanding such matters.

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