July 13, 1936 : Hottest Day In Michigan’s History

On July 13, 1936 – Mio, Michigan hit 112F, the hottest temperature ever recorded in Michigan. One person was dying nearly every minute from the heat.

Leading experts tell us that this could not have happened with CO2 below 350 ppm. CO2 was 310 ppm at the time, proving once again that many climate experts are incompetent buffoons.

15 Jul 1936 – Huge Toll of American Heat Wave RELIEF HOPES SHA…

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to July 13, 1936 : Hottest Day In Michigan’s History

  1. Glen says:

    “Leading experts tell us that this could not have happened with CO2 below 350 ppm. CO2 was 310 ppm at the time, proving once again that many climate experts are incompetent buffoons.”

    It’s pretty easy to tell who the liar is here.

    • NOAA has been bombing us all week with “the June heatwave couldn’t have happened without global warming” The 1930s heatwaves were much worse, and I am assuming that readers have at least the IQ of a turnip. Unfortunately you appear to have failed that test.

      • Brian G Valentine says:

        You can tell that because they provide no mechanism for this. Their only response is, CO2 is a greenhouse gas” and “CO2 acts like a blanket.”

        That explains nothing, excepting filling their feeble minds with some satisfying non-knowledge. They exist in a civilization that they have no capability of contributing to

      • There was an ice age during the Ordovician – with CO2 more than 10X current levels. Someone must have unplugged the electric CO2 blanket.

      • Brian G Valentine says:

        That’s because it was real CO2, and harmless.

        Fake CO2 causes global warming and hundreds of debilitating ailments.

      • Glen says:

        NOAA has been bombing us all week with “the June heatwave couldn’t have happened without global warming”

        That’s not what they said. That’s a lie.

      • Glen says:

        Here’s what they actually said:
        “During the June 2011-June 2012 period, each of the 13 consecutive months ranked among the warmest third of their historical distribution for the first time in the 1895-present record. The odds of this occurring randomly is 1 in 1,594,323.”

  2. Brian G Valentine says:

    The Dust Bowl must have been awful, but people just sweated right though it with determination and faith that the weather would change.

    Thank God they didn’t have to endure it compounded with the unbearable idiocy of people born with the ability to mouth off and no ability to think

    • Unfortunately they were also dealing with Hitler and the depression.

      Not nearly as bad though as a branch breaking off in front of the Capitol building last month – which Jeff Masters and Bill McKibben tell us was the most extreme event in US history.

  3. johnmcguire says:

    You know it does get old having to contiually pound these agw rats. Fortunately it is fairly easy as they never can find any science to back up their wild claims. All of them seem prone to overstatement , hype , and out right lieing. I have to tone it down a little as I’m getting so irate with them I tend to rant and get vulger. Anthony over at WUWT has deleted a couple of my posts lately as I just can’t seem to be nice to agw idiots.

    • Me says:

      To each their own, don`t post there anymore then, I still check his site out to see whats going on, or what`s new in the zoo.

      • Me says:

        Sometimes I post there and it is accpetd other times I get confronted with the moderators and we had a blog chat about it and it`s still as the mellosn would say, Cool. LMAO!

      • Me says:

        Sometimes I post there and it is accepted other times I get confronted with the moderators and we had a blog chat about it and it’s still as the melons would say, Cool. LMAO!

      • Me says:

        Because the first one! LMAO!!!

    • Andy DC says:

      When would be authorities blatantly lie thru their teeth with the obvious purpose of promoting a ruinous multitrillion dollar agenda at taxpayer’s expense thru means of unfounded fear, it is difficult (at least for me) not to rant and get vulgar.

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