Irene Almost As Curvaceous As Some Storm In Canada

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Irene Almost As Curvaceous As Some Storm In Canada

  1. Mike Davis says:

    I think the unnamed storm in Canada has her beat! I am surprised NHC did not name that one also. I mean we know that lower than 50N is within the tropics now!

  2. gator69 says:

    It’s a hurricanuck!

  3. jerry says:

    the one in Canada is just weather, whereas the one in the tropics is runaway we are doomed global warming

  4. Latitude says:

    Lightning from Irene caught Richard Branson’s house on fire……
    lightning torches Branson home

  5. PJB says:

    I “enjoyed” the passage of that storm. It lasted a couple of days. We got about 1″ of rain and winds that never exceeded 30 mph. Just some rain for the lawn and a chance to catch up on indoor activities.

    I doubt that any place that Irene passes will be able to say the same. Listening to Puerto Rico TV this am, they had lots of power losses, flooding and wind damage.

    Warm-core cyclones are like Nor-easters on steroids. Just hope you don’t receive some of Irene’s wrath.

  6. PJB says:

    1996 is an analog year and here is the track for Hurricane Bertha. It looks quite similar to Irene.

  7. PJB says:

    Then again, there is always Dennis from 1999. To paraphrase Mr. Stengal, “That storm hit the coast with malevolent intent.”

  8. Mike Davis says:

    That looks premeditated almost!

  9. PJB says:

    You can only trust models so far….. (what a surprise!) and we are only talking about 3 to 5 DAYS. Those models get new, real-time data plugged into them every 12 hours. Problem is that how current weather systems, in a chaotic system, can move or change on a dime. As the ridge builds or the trough carves, so responds the weather system in question.

    Real science, at work. Catastrophic but not anthropogenic.

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