
We are about to hit 3,000,000 page views. If each one of those could be used to knock off 1 km² of Arctic ice area – we could finally have our ice free Arctic.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to 3,000,000

  1. omnologos says:

    Careful Steven … I expect before year’s end a joint NASA/UEA peer-reviewed paper in Nature or Science DEMONSTRATING that skeptical blogging is generating enough traffic to.be ATTRIBUTED hurricane Irene, 1.275 million square miles of lost sea ice, locusts in Mali and the flowering of Mrs Gerthmain’s strawberry plant in Maine, an unprecedented event since 1932.

    The tar sands people will then move to Colorado and throw themselves under the wheels of any passing biker, just in case it’s you. Sen. Kerry will finally submit a new climate bill proposal, temporarily called “Censor&Trade”.

  2. Latitude says:

    and the flowering of Mrs Gerthmain’s strawberry plant in Maine, an unprecedented event since 1932…………………………………


  3. Mike Davis says:

    Come November NSIDC will reevaluate their work and find that the Arctic region has really been ice free for the last four summers. Their new Summer Al-Gore-Rhythm requires each pixel to be populated with 150% or greater ice to be considered 100% ice covered. 149% or less during the Summer will from now on be considered ice free! Problem solved!

  4. DEEBEE says:


  5. Blade says:


    • Blade says:

      And let’s not forget to thank the friendly neighborhood trolls IWB, Brian and Tony Duncan for generating at least 1% of those hits.

      The irony has got to be just killing them.

  6. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Is 3million a consensus yet?

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