Climate Alarmists – The Ultimate Snake Oil Salesmen

Today, climate alarmists say that rain in Texas is caused by fossil fueled poisoned weather.

ScreenHunter_9474 May. 25 01.39

These same clowns were blaming the Texas drought on global warming, and predicting it would get worse.

ScreenHunter_9475 May. 25 01.43

More Drought, Heat and Water Wars: What Climate Change Already Means for Texas | StateImpact Texas

The reality is that Texas is having normal weather.

ScreenHunter_9473 May. 25 01.38

13 Sep 1952 – FLOODS FOLLOW TEXAS DROUGHT Australian Associate…

Nothing has changed one iota. The climate of Texas is exactly the same as it has always been. These people are selling snake oil – a non-existent cure for a non-existent problem.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to Climate Alarmists – The Ultimate Snake Oil Salesmen

  1. Thing is, I’d rather buy snake oil. It’s cheaper.

  2. AndyG55 says:

    Snake oil ?

    And then there’s Mosher and Zeke .. the Dodgy Bros car salesmen of climate science.

  3. 4TimesAYear says:

    Ethan Allen on the permanence of climatic conditions. I’ll grant he was talking about Oklahoma, but that’s close enough, isn’t it? Our forefathers had better powers of observation than than alarmists – but then an alarmist in a blizzard would still be shouting that it’s warming.

  4. 4TimesAYear says:

    Reblogged this on 4timesayear's Blog.

  5. jdseanjd says:

    Read James A. Michener’s great novel: Texas.
    Texas has ALWAYS had diabolical weather.
    The liars are getting more & more desperate. 🙂

  6. handjive says:

    Stevie Ray Vaughn – Texas Flood
    Well theres floodin down in texas….all of the telephone lines are down
    And Ive been tryin to call my baby….lord and I cant get a single sound

    Well dark clouds are rollin in….man Im standin out in the rain
    Yeah flood water keep a rollin….man its about to drive poor me insane

    Well Im leavin you baby….lord and Im goin back home to stay
    Well back home I know floods and tornados….baby the sun shines every day

  7. Louis Hooffstetter says:

    I’m inclined to think the Memorial Day weekend snowfall in New England and the late season tornadoes and floods in the mid-west are more indicative of a cooling climate than a warming one…

    which is probably why 97% of witch doctors believe the current global cooling is caused by global warming ..

  8. BallBounces says:

    “The reality is that Texas is having normal weather.”

    This is a headline one will never see. Nor will it appear on a grant proposal. Nor is it the kind of statement that energizes people and gives their lives a cause and purpose. You’re bringin’ us down, man!

    • AndyG55 says:

      ““The reality is that Texas is having normal weather.””

      I dare you to walk into an inner city latte café and say that 🙂

      • John Smith says:

        just came from my inner city latte cafe
        two double espressos for me
        me and my geezer buddies scare the Organians every day… it’s too easy
        It’s hysterical to stand behind some hipster with a neck tattoo and a Stonewall Jackson beard while he orders a chai soy latte and a gluten free vegan muffin
        then you see him outside smoking a cigarette
        I’m sure one would see the same thing in Rome circa 400 AD
        (notice I purposely did not write CE)
        they won’t hurt you … they can’t

  9. rah says:

    Texas weather is so bad that over 1,811,000 people moved there between the 2010 and 2014 census! and it has the 8th fastest growing economy of the 50 states and DC.

  10. SMS says:

    Texas is no different than Australia. ” A land of sweeping plains of ragged mountain ranges. Of droughts and flooding rains” Dorothy Mackellar.

    As with most progressives; when your memory is only as long as your last puff of weed, you don’t have much to compare to. Everything is new and different.

  11. smamarver says:

    I have to say that usually it is in the benefit of the large public to have more sides of the climate change story, with the condition to have true data, not fakes. And you can all see clearly that scientist even don’t have the same opinion, so it is fine that more and more people share their views. My opinion is that oceans have a big contribution in the climate change and that, by affecting the oceans with their wars, humans affected climate (see There are many that do not agree with me, but I think is it very important that people realize that global warming is a big issue.

    • Ted says:

      Climatology is, by necessity, a subset of oceanography. The amount of energy stored by our atmosphere is utterly meaningless when compared to that stored by the water. Even if we completely ignored the oceans, the atmosphere is STILL dominated by the water vapor it contains. (and the sun, of course) So yes, if we are in fact altering the earth’s climate, the ocean is the correct place to look.

      I have my doubts that that anything we’re currently doing could affect that much water, but at least you’re looking in the right direction. I don’t even know what to say to the morons telling us that the air is warming the water. They don’t have enough understanding of basic math to be capable of the discussion. Thanks for the link, and I’ll try to read it with an open mind.

      • smamarver says:

        Thanks for sharing and for trying to read my suggestion. When you’re speaking about you’re doubts about anything that could affect so much water, I’m thinking of the effect of stirring, in nowadays, – – ,on the military exercises that are taking place in the seas and the oceans of the planet, about the naval war during the past two World Wars and so on. I’m sure that all these affected the oceans and, therefore, the climate…… Maybe you’ll give me a feed back, some other day, after reading that “with an open mind”. 🙂

    • inMAGICn says:

      You’re right, I don’t agree with you on that.
      “…global warming is a bigissue.” For whom?

  12. Tron Smart says:

    So now man-made lakes are supposed to maintain normalcy too?

  13. Centinel2012 says:

    Reblogged this on Centinel2012 and commented:
    It maybe Snake Oil but it appears that it can still be sold — if you are an academic.

  14. SMS says:

    Just keep showing this graph

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