A Simple Test Of Global Warming Theory

What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient… highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed – fully understood – that sticks; right in there somewhere.’

Q : If people had never heard of global warming, would they be worried about it?

A : Of course not. It is a “problem” which exists entirely inside people’s minds. I suspect that if sea level was rising noticeably, somebody would have noticed.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to A Simple Test Of Global Warming Theory

  1. Actors, politicians, radical environmentalists, and scientists who don’t think outside the box like they’re supposed to—people we all should follow. What a wonderful it would be.


  2. A : Of course not. It is a “problem” which exists entirely inside people’s minds. I suspect that if sea level was rising noticeably, somebody would have noticed.

    But I did notice that ‘manmade global warming’ comes from actors, politicians, radical environmentalists, and scientists who don’t think outside the box even though they’re supposed to—-so I decided not to believe in it. I breathed a sigh of relief. And I was happy.

  3. A : Of course not. It is a “problem” which exists entirely inside people’s minds. I suspect that if sea level was rising noticeably, somebody would have noticed.


  4. Lazarus says:

    Q : If people had never heard of Hurricanes, disease dangerous animals, harmful chemicals etc, would they be worried about it?

    A : Of course not. But should they be if they do?

    • But those things are real.

    • Mike Davis says:

      LAZ my boy:
      ACC is a manufactured problem that exists in the minds of the creators and their blind followers but not in the real world.
      All the other things you brought up have real world evidence to support the claimed hazards.
      ACC does not!

      • Lazarus says:

        Mike, I believe I offered you the chance to support you position with real research, or was that the other Mike?, either way you haven’t.

        it is perfectly true that ACC, cannot be proved – where proof depends on the kind of mathematical rigour which validates itself. But 50-100 years of direct investigation has produced only science which points towards mankind being responsible for most of our current warming – else the laws of physics are fundamentally flawed. There is no science pointing in any other direction.

      • Mike Davis says:

        ACC has already been falsified by the models that have been used to promote it. The range of outputs for the models includes every possible outcome from any future climate change, no matter what the primary contributing cause.
        That Ma boy is not science because it has already been explained by a vast number of natural climate drivers. That leaves no place at the table for ACC. Like a mangy dog ACC is laying on the floor waiting for someone to throw it a scrap to keep from starving.

    • John Endicott says:

      Lazarus says:
      November 16, 2010 at 1:15 am
      Q : If people had never heard of Hurricanes, disease dangerous animals, harmful chemicals etc, would they be worried about it?

      A : Of course not. But should they be if they do?

      They don’t need to hear about it, those are all things they can observe and experience for themselves without the need for anyone to tell them about it. Unlike manmade global warming climate change Climate disruption which only exists in models and not the real world.

  5. suyts says:

    Of course it is. Every summer, I say “Boy, it sure is hot out!” Every winter I say”Boy, I sure is cold out!”

    The river rises, the river lowers. It gets hot, it gets cold. No, no one would notice. But, our climate has occupied man’s mind since he became cogent. Some require an explanation for events that are beyond their ability to know or control. It bothers these people, so, they invent reasons for such cyclical events. No different than the heathens and pagans of days of old.

    • lance says:

      Actually, we have to stop this night and day baloney. It causes endless warming and cooling and we just don’t know where it will stop. I prefer light. let the alarmist stay in the dark…

  6. Dan Pangburn says:

    The factors that resulted in the 20th century global temperature run-up have been discovered.

    A simple equation, with inputs of accepted measurements, calculates the average global temperatures since 1895 with 88% accuracy. See the equation, an eye-opening graph of the results and how they are derived in the pdfs at http://climaterealists.com/index.php?tid=145&linkbox=true (see especially the pdfs made public on 4/10/10 and 6/27/10).

    The future average global temperature trend that this equation calculates is down.

  7. newzealand says:

    If “Climate Change” represents changing climate, does that mean the term “Climate” is now redundant; or are we supposed to believe that before “climate change” that the climate was just a composite of long term unchanged weather events?

    Here is the ultimates Climate Stick the Warmists want us to believe existed before “Climate change” came along: “______________________________”

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