“Thing Of The Past” Strikes Australia

ScreenHunter_9935 Jul. 16 23.16

Snow coats parts of New South Wales with falls of up to 20cm in some areas – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to “Thing Of The Past” Strikes Australia

  1. Climatism says:

    Reblogged this on Climatism.

  2. Marsh says:

    In recent weeks, I have been in both Victoria and New South Wales and its been the Coldest for more than a decade for the areas I visited. The last two Winters were colder than usual but this July has a much worse chill to it; there’s icy winds now with many towns in Snow up to the Qld border.

    • AndyG55 says:

      I’m in Newy on the NSW coast. While its highly unlike we will get snow, it certainly doesn’t like a global warming induced next week or so !


      • Marsh says:

        Yes Andy, being beside the Ocean helps prevent weather extremes ; the next earthquake is more of a worry for your location… I remember the last one.

      • BruceC says:

        While it’s only mid-July, so far this July is much cooler than last year, according to my own weather station.

        Summary for July 2014

        Temperature (°C):
        Mean (1 minute) 13.8
        Mean (min+max) 14.8
        Mean Minimum 8.9
        Mean Maximum 20.8
        Minimum 4.7 day 08
        Maximum 25.9 day 30
        Highest Minimum 13.9 day 31
        Lowest Maximum 15.5 day 19
        Air frosts 0

        Rainfall (mm):
        Total for month 24.7
        Wettest day 6.8 day 25
        High rain rate 18.1 day 20
        Rain days 8
        Dry days 23

        Wind (km/h):
        Highest Gust 37 day 08
        Average Speed 4
        Wind Run 3014.1 km
        Gale days 0

        Pressure (hPa):
        Maximum 1031.2 day 14
        Minimum 1000.7 day 09

        Total hours of sunshine 219.9

        Summary for July 2015

        Temperature (°C):
        Mean (1 minute) 12.0
        Mean (min+max) 12.6
        Mean Minimum 7.6
        Mean Maximum 17.6
        Minimum 3.5 day 04
        Maximum 21.2 day 10
        Highest Minimum 10.0 day 07
        Lowest Maximum 13.1 day 12
        Air frosts 0

        Rainfall (mm):
        Total for month 5.1
        Wettest day 1.6 day 13
        High rain rate 2.7 day 07
        Rain days 5
        Dry days 12

        Wind (km/h):
        Highest Gust 53 day 12
        Average Speed 7
        Wind Run 2712.9 km
        Gale days 0

        Pressure (hPa):
        Maximum 1029.8 day 09
        Minimum 1000.4 day 12

        Total hours of sunshine 143.2

        (BTW Andy, I live not far from you … Belmont).

  3. Tom Woods says:

    After careful reanalysis we have determined this is the warmest snow ever to fall in Australia.

  4. Marsh says:

    Queensland is called the Sunshine state and Snow is generally a very rare event ; its border latitude is similar to that of Florida in USA… however:

    The big chill in southern Queensland has delivered what could be the state’s most significant snowfall in 30 years.

    • AndyG55 says:

      That dog in the last picture probably wouldn’t know what snow was 🙂

      Until now.

    • wizzum says:

      That’s my home town! I’m all homesick in Houston now….Back in 84 it was my very first week on the job at a local engineering company just south of town, The boss knocked us off at lunch time and we drank Bundy rum by his fireplace for the afternoon..

  5. “Man-made global warming where did you go?
    You promised us warm winters, instead we got snow.
    I gave all my winter coats away to Oxfam,
    Now I read in the papers it was all just a scam!….”

    From: http://rhymeafterrhyme.net/global-warming-where-did-you-go/

    • John Smith says:

      Good one 🙂
      nice tonic after having to listen to NPR blather breathlessly about the warmest year … EVER … OMG … EVER!!!

  6. Frank K. says:

    The snow looks quite beautiful, actually. 🙂

  7. emsnews says:

    Yesterday was sunny and COLD here in NY.

    • Andy DC says:

      My themometer read high of 75 and low of 60 yesterday in the Washington, DC suburbs. Low humidity and very fresh air. Very unusual weather for DC during mid-July. But that and widespread snow in Australia all entirely consistent with a planet doomed by catastrophic, Mann-made warming.

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