Senators Celebrate Record Hurricane Drought In Miami

Florida is about to pass nine years without a hurricane strike, by far the longest such period on record. Democratic “heavyweights” are celebrating by warning the locals about climate change denial.

Senators Bill Nelson (D-FL) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) sounded the alarm Thursday in Miami Beach about the potentially crippling effects that climate change and rising sea levels could have on the city, accusing skeptics of “avoiding reality.”

At a Thursday news conference, Nelson warned that if no action is taken, massive and expensive infrastructure projects – like the one that gave Miami Beach a new system of underground pumps to combat tides – could “be our future.”

Senators Descend on Miami Beach to Talk Climate Change | NBC 6 South Florida

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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35 Responses to Senators Celebrate Record Hurricane Drought In Miami

  1. James Anderson says:

    I have to say it but as a resident of Florida Nelson is the worst Senator in the country. He does nothing except enrich himself.

    • philjourdan says:

      Nah, Warner is. We each have our crosses to bear due to the idiots among us.

      • I stood right there in person, back in 2008, and watched while Nelson told a crowd that we needed to nationalize the windstorm insurance business throughout the U.S. and place it entirely under a single federally chartered corporation. And he promised to play a key role in making it happen. So I don’t think he’s the worst U.S. Senator (Reid for one is way worse, as are Sanders and Warren), but he is definitely up there.

    • lunaticfringe01 says:

      Come’n now, let’s get real. I live in the state that continues to elect Boxer and Feinsein to the Senate with Pelosi as the cherry on top. Ain’t nobody gonna top that.

  2. daveandrews723 says:

    Never fear… South Beach will remain the playground of the decadent, hypocritcal progressives for many decades to come as the sea level change remains imperceptible. But when the next hurricane hits they will, of course, blame it on CO2.

  3. Bob Greene says:

    They showed up for a King Tide photo op and it didn’t flood.

  4. Frank K. says:

    Remember folks, an election is coming up in the US. Please vote appropriately to keep these left wing progressive Democrats from have ANY power in the forseeable future. If we don’t stop them now, I’m afraid we’re going to suffer the horrible consequences for decades. PLEASE do your part!

  5. Don says:

    Charles Schumer says: Hi!

  6. I don’t recall Tony writing about this, but apparently the USGS is currently predicting two feet (62 m) of sea level rise for South Florida by 2060.

    The event, caused by the alignment of the sun, moon and Earth, provides a taste of the potential impact of a longer-term two-foot sea level rise predicted for south Florida by 2060, according to the United States Geological Survey.

    Fortunately, the quote mentions the “cause” of the Miami Beach king tides as being astronomical, but has no mention of CO2. Very instructive!

    Unfortunately, they do not seem to have any serious skepticism about the prediction they are citing.

    They also report an interesting quote from City Manager Jimmy Morales:

    “In order to keep the real estate market hot, we need to assure people who understand this that we are doing everything in our power,” Morales added. “Do you wait till it’s at your ankles and knees?”


    • I typed “62 cm” but apparently it got recorded as “62m”.

    • Oh, I meant to say that the really unfortunate thing was that they omitted any mention of isostatic rebound.

      • inMAGICn says:


        I’m pretty sure Florida is at 0.0 or a very small amount.

        • You mean of rebound?

          No, I lived for >30 years on the west coast, and the Bayshore seawall there has a multitude of access points to the water via concrete steps. It was a very good way of gauging sea level over the long term, and there were definitely several inches of apparent rise during that time. My estimate would be 3-4 in. or 8-10 cm. But I do not attribute that to any GW, because I don’t believe there was any GW during that time. It would appear to be due to isostatic rebound.


        • inMAGICn says:

          The west coast is tectonically much more complex than the east coast in terms of current activity (although the geology of the much older Appalachians is REALLY complicated). I’m pointing out that rebound for Florida is neutral. It is not, of course, rising due to ice overload removal, nor is the craton dipping DOWN in that area due to rebound in the north. Thassall…

        • Dude, I was talking about the west coast of Florida.

        • And the evidence I’ve seen suggests that the axis of the rebound is roughly southwest-to-northeast across the U.S., which implies that Florida has some of the worst rebound.

      • inMAGICn says:

        Hey, “West Coast” our here (the West Coast) means the West Coast (us, not you all). But I worked in the Gulf (Texas/ Louisiana) and I got it.
        From what I understand, Florida is static wrt rebound. Now, I could be all wet, but the dynamics of erosion, subsidence, and deposional irregularities play a lot of games with the construction/destruction shoreline characteristics in the Gulf area. There certainly are some irregularities on the Texas side of the Mississippi depositional prism.
        Also, to simplify, I used the word “craton,” which is not really correct. I am not sure (again) how much Florida reacts to distant rebound. But, all in all, none of it is due to AGW and that’s the takeaway.

        • Oh, you’re welcome.

          A few points. To be clear, the body of water we’re talking about here is Hillsborough Bay. There is no significant subsidence occurring in that area, and if there were it would be Karst, which would have no material impact on sea level measurements along a nine-mile seawall.

          As far as erosion / deposition, actually the bay has been a site of significant net deposition all around it during the time period I mentioned.

          That leaves GW or rebound as an explanation, and after looking thoroughly and fairly at the true instrumental temperature records, it is really impossible not to conclude that there has been dramatic isostatic rebound in Florida during the last 40 years. The peninsula’s tide gauges have all been recording roughly the same amount of apparent rise. The only logical conclusion is that the vast majority of that recorded rise is due to rebound. So if you come across any “research” that purports to find differently, I would be very, very suspicious of it. Especially if it was published since 1980.

          Thanks for your thoughts.


  7. Frank K. says:

    It should be remembered that the “science” these people are concerned about is really just an excuse for having the government do something totally unrelated with our tax dollars.

  8. Don says:

    So sub-tropial storms get names? Fay, eh. They were itching, that’s for sure.

  9. rhysr says:

    Did you read the article. Senator Nelson said sea level in South Florida rose 5-8 FEET in the last 50 years.

  10. kirkmyers says:

    The only people denying reality are ignorant windbags like Sen. Bill Nelson. If he would take some time to research the global warming theory (yes, it’s still an unproven “theory”), instead of parroting the “climate change” party line, he might learn a thing or two and avoid making a public embarrasment of himself.

    Whenever it looks like the global warmists have reached the the apex of idiocy, they manage to trumpet an even more outrageous assininity. Most of them are beyond reason, a lost cause.

    • tom0mason says:

      I do not believe that it has got as far as a “theory”, IMO they are still hypothecating what is in or out of the ‘yet to be’ “theory” and as such it is still just a hypothesis.

      But otherwise yes I’m 100% with you.

      • rah says:

        Actually it seems to me that Global Warming is a failed hypothesis that never really met the test to become theory in the real world. Observations of the real world have falsified it. If science really had anything to do with it the Global Warming hypothesis would have already been flushed and passed through the water treatment plant long ago. But instead of trying to poke holes in the GW hypothesis a significant and well funded portion of the scientific community did all their research in a effort to support it and make it a viable theory. They have failed because mother nature just won’t cooperate. They just won’t admit it and most of them never will. Because it isn’t about the climate at all.

        • tom0mason says:

          “GW hypothesis a significant and well funded portion of the scientific community did all their research in a effort to support it and make it a viable theory…”

          Like some Greek tragedy of the blind climate scientific seers holding the UN-IPCC poisoned chalice preceded by the screaming syrens of global doom.

    • Andy Oz says:

      Asking a lawyer/ politician to study science? That’s an exercise in futility.
      These guys didn’t pass science let alone physics or chemistry. You’re better off discussing science with a lump of 4 by 2.
      I’m surprised most politicians can feed themselves.

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