Researchers Think That People Are Better Off Freezing To Death

China’s policy of providing free coal for winter heating to residents in the north has shaved 5.5 years off life expectancy in the region, a study says.

As opposed to letting them freeze to death, and cutting 55 years off their life expectancy.

It says air pollution from burning coal in the area north of the Huai River, with a population of some 500m people, was 55% higher than in the south.

How odd that people in warmer climates live longer.

BBC News – China free-coal policy in the north ‘cut lifespans’

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Researchers Think That People Are Better Off Freezing To Death

  1. DarrylB says:

    I have a long reply to Michael in the global warming gets sneaky and changes plans. His info was from an organization of three – a chemist, an earth scientist, (previously a high school teacher I believe) and a sociologist.

    • Marian says:

      I find it quite interesting how a number of Sociologists are passed off as Climate Scientists in the World of Climate Alarmism. And even more amusing how Sociologists get passed of as scientists in general.

      Even socalled ‘robust’ peer reviewed papers of the AGW/CC kind with lead authors who were only Sociologists. Says alot for the World of Climate Alarmism and Faux science.

  2. “Qinlao village has been given the unenviable task of making it through the winter, when temperatures can descend to -40C, without burning any coal. Instead, the villagers have been told they should burn the corn stalks left over from their harvest to keep warm.”

    • Andy Oz says:

      I predict north China is about to give the middle finger to Copenhagen and climate scientists in general. Pop quiz: How many corn stalks would it take to run a power station?
      These Copenhagen guys are in la-la land!!

  3. Traitor In Chief says:

    If you keep them from drinking unpure water, you can accelerate the kill to just a week or so.

  4. sabretoothed says:

    Planting trees will cause “Extreme floods, bushfires and Heatwaves” according to the weirdo Newspaper in the UK

  5. Kaboom says:

    Instead of comparing the life expectancy of the northern to the southern cities they should have done so between before and after the free coal became available in the same places.

  6. Justa Joe says:

    Mikey M. said that the Chinese used their highly advanced solar energy. I’m shocked to hear that coal is still in use there. /sarc

  7. watcher says:

    The corn stalks make compost to grow more. So burn it. No problem!! No corn next year. Nothing to burn. Next winter. Everyone freezes, dies. So no deaths in a few years. Another Climate change Victory No Deaths .

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