Obama : I Refuse To Compromise – Time For Compromise

Boehner’s plan “has no chance of becoming law,” Obama said. “The time for putting party first is over. The time for compromise on behalf of the American people is now. … It’s important for everybody to step up and show the leadership that the American people expect.”


Translation : Spoiled brat in chief got used to having his way when Nancy was his nanny.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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26 Responses to Obama : I Refuse To Compromise – Time For Compromise

  1. AndyW says:

    To be honest it is the conservatives, sorry republicans, coming off worse here.

    They can’t even have a unified voice .. that is not a good recipe for succes.


  2. wenson says:

    I liked to read your post a lot when I posted on Whatts site. But Now I don’t like your site.
    syou are never talk science any more. only some weather news or older records plus some biased political views.

    Your blog not real science at all.

  3. Latitude says:

    There’s no compromise……Obama never had a plan, he let it out that he had some ‘secret’ plan, but no one ever knew what that was…
    Compromise to him was do it his way, the way he wanted it…..only

    We can all thank the tea party for this taking so long…
    …most people aren’t sharp enough to get it
    Because of the tea party, there was no pork attached to this.

    …..it’s really hard to get something passed in Washington and not be able to buy votes…

    Obama tried, but he was caught………..

    • suyts says:

      Indeed, in spite of the spin, it is my hope people will give credit where credit is due. It is solely the Tea Party being responsible for this trimmed bill. Hopefully, this will be the first of many such events.

      • Latitude says:


        and the liberal news media is going nuts!

      • Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

        That warms the Cockles of my little Pea Picken Heart!

      • Latitude says:

        I got a warm glowey too!

      • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

        Republicans are going nuts too. I really liked when I heard this week, don’t remember exactly now who and where it was, but he said Boehner’s position as House Speaker may be in trouble. There’s enough votes to replace him. I don’t think it will come to pass though.

      • Bruce says:

        Suyts – doesn’t look like it. The Senate voted down the Republican bill 59:41, which means a few Republicans broke ranks to vote against it. If Mr Reid’s bill makes it to Congress this weekend it might pass on the Democrats plus a few very scared Republicans.

        Of course they might be even more scared of their own party whips. And their voters…

        I’ve no skin in this game, but I’d hate the whole US ending up like California running on IOU’s half the time. On the other hand why make a $14.3T debt any bigger?

      • Blade says:

        “The Senate voted down the Republican bill 59:41, which means a few Republicans broke ranks to vote against it. If Mr Reid’s bill makes it to Congress this weekend it might pass on the Democrats plus a few very scared Republicans.”

        What you have described is typical of the machinations of a split Congress. This occurred throughout Reagan’s term when (for about half the time) he had a SLIGHTLY (R) Senate but they were in the minority when you counted RINOs as (D). The split Congress will thwart any budget rollbacks every time. Look here …

        Deficits-Surplus by Congressional Control 1995-2009

        Pay attention to the color codes of the datapoints. The color Purple is a split Congress which occurs approx 2001-2004 and helped to destroy the balanced budgets recently achieved (yes there is some 9/11 funding but not $300 billion).

        We are now in a repeat once again. We manage to get about 30 TEA Party candidates into the house and maybe 3 in the Senate. The Senate is not only controlled by (D), but overwhelming when you count the RINOs.

        If there are any cuts and rollbacks on these next two budgets … it will be a miracle.

  4. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    I think they should all be kicked out and replaced with retired Blue Collar workers that never held any political office and had to live within their means.

  5. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Hurry August 3rd!

  6. Gator says:

    “The time for compromise on behalf of the American people is now.”

    I think the American people are tired of ‘compromise’ and want a solution. They still don’t get it.

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