Even Don Is Fleeing To Mexico


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Even Don Is Fleeing To Mexico

  1. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    What the heck is a mere 200 miles among climate models.

  2. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    Accuweather is still showing it coming across north of the border!

    • It looks to me like the center of circulation came on shore in Mexico.

      • Latitude says:

        center, what was left of it, was just a tad north of Brownsville…the action/rain has been sheered off to the south

        • Brownsville is located inland on a southerly dip of the Rio Grande. The storm appears to have come on shore in Mexico, and has moved NW into Texas.

      • Latitude says:

        You’re right as far as the ‘storm’ part, all of the action was to the south of the center.
        Shear was coming down from the north, blowing the top off to the south

  3. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    Don has increased to a MAJOR with sustained winds of 50 mph and really strong gusts of 65 mph! Pray for those POOR souls that have to endure this drastic weather event!!!! It is the worst in_________( fill in the blank!) Unprecedented! I say! Truly Unprecedented! What catastrophe waits the country next!
    Accuweather has been salivating over this for about a week!

  4. Andy WeissDC says:

    In the days before satellites and a publicity crazed National Hurricane Center, we probably would still be waiting for the first named storm.

  5. Latitude says:

    Told you…..they had it way too far north

  6. Latitude says:

    Well, they got enough votes…..
    ….really hard to pass something when the tea party won’t let them load it up with pork

  7. Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

    There is more weather action in Missouri than in Texas right now.

  8. Latitude says:

    Cantore just tweeted this…”Western part of circulation center with #don coming ashore near Baffin Bay. This thing died faster than Chesney’s and Zellweger’s marriage.”

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