World Record Wind In 1934

On April 12, 1934 a world record wind gust of 234 MPH occurred on Mt. Washington, New Hampshire.

“There was no doubt this morning that a super-hurricane, Mt. Washington style, was in full development.” — Log Book entry, Sal Pagliuca

Atmospheric CO2 was at 310 ppm in 1934, well below Hansen’s safe level of 350 ppm.

The following year, 1935, saw the most powerful hurricane to ever hit the US, and to add to the fun – about 80% of the US was experiencing drought at the time. (If that happened now, Joe Romm would demand that Kool Aid be force fed.)

Most US states set their record high temperatures prior to 1940.

Most states had their hottest year prior to 1940.

Obviously the weather was much safer, cooler and wetter when CO2 was below 350 ppm. We need to massively raise taxes to make the climate safe again.

Empirical evidence does not lend much support to the notion that climate is headed precipitately toward more extreme heat and drought. The drought of 1999 covered a smaller area than the 1988 drought, when the Mississippi almost dried up. And 1988 was a temporary inconvenience as compared with repeated droughts during the 1930s “Dust Bowl” that caused an exodus from the prairies, as chronicled in Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to World Record Wind In 1934

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    If the 1930’s had occurred now rather than then, everyone would think the world was coming to an end and would drink the global warming Kool-Aide. We are very fortunate that nature has not cooperated with these liars.

    To add to your list, by far the worst US tornado took place in 1925.

  2. Paul H says:

    The Aztecs knew a thing or two about climate superstition too.

    “Climate modelling of new data from the Aztec Codex Cihuacoatl has identified a relationship with important implications for global warming mitigation. The research suggests a strong causal pathway exists between climate change and Aztec rituals of “nourishing the gods” with blood sacrifice.

    The evidence supports a revival of (humane) human sacrifice (HHS) as a mechanism for retarding environmental degradation and reducing dangerous climate change. HHS also would improve crop yields by allowing more effective control of surface temperature and rainfall.”

    “The reconstructions confirm, on the balance of probabilities, that the major forcing agent determining regional temperature anomalies was the frequency of human sacrifice. Cooler periods, for example, showed an impressive causal connectivity with (lagging) high sacrificial numbers. Sacrificial frequency also directly influenced local rainfall patterns and corn yields.

    There were other intriguing outcomes too. For example, young male sacrifices were statistically the largest percentile and tended to drive cooler weather, while female sacrifice produced warmer weather. ”

    Too cool ? Too warm? Take your pick.

  3. mkelly says:

    When I lived in Maine the local weather report had a section live from the top of Mt. Washington. For years the same gent would give the Mt. Washington weather then end with a large toothy (a little goofy) grin. One year he had his family up and they all did the grin. He did not take himself to seriously.

  4. The fact that there is less severe weather now than was in the past does not apply to modern global warming. “Global warming” is happening. Man is the cause. It’s so obvious because all scientists agree. This is just a blog on the internet. Look at what the literature says. That’s where the truth is. All science in the literature agrees that disasters are coming to the earth. Pollution is bringing disasters to the earth—it’s that same as smoking causes cancer.

    sarc off


  5. MikeB says:

    This record was supposedly beaten by a 253 mph gust on Australia’s Barrow Island during Cyclone Olivia in 1996.

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