Gaia Announces A New Set Of Rules For Climate Alarmists

One month ago, NSIDC announced this :

Back when the sea was thick and lasted for years, cyclones tended to spread the ice out and actually increase its extent, said Julienne Stroeve of the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colo. Now, when ice gets spread out, it simply breaks up and disappears.

“As our ice cover has thinned, some of our old rules are changing,” said Stroeve.

Summer cyclone chewing up Canada’s Arctic sea ice | CTV News

Gaia has officially announced that she is angry about junk science. The graph below shows the daily change in Arctic ice area. The end of July storm caused a significant increase in ice area, the exact opposite of what NSIDC claimed.

ScreenHunter_38 Aug. 23 06.27

Also note that the melt season is all but done.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to Gaia Announces A New Set Of Rules For Climate Alarmists

  1. Les Johnson says:

    The rowers are officially giving up. They state that once they get to Cambridge Bay, which is the 1/2 way point, they will stop the attempt.

    • Bill says:


      Their headline is about Mother Nature (Gaia) not cooperating which is hilarious given the title of your post.

      They say they are 550 km from the 1/2 way point and it may be end of August before they reach there. That would be 8 days of almost 70 km per day. Have they ever made 70 km in even a single day?

      • Mike D says:

        Judging distance may be on of their problems. On Google Maps, their position if they tightly follow the shore is closer to 260km. They were 550km away from Cambridge Bay about 5 or 6 days ago. So either they took that long to get the story posted or don’t really know how far they are the last few days.

    • Gerald Machnee says:

      Now for the excuses.

  2. Anto says:

    Does anyone have an email address to contact this so-called “scientist”? She has some serious explaining to do.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    I am seriously over this bullshit story that’s been repeated around the Lamestream Media. These copy writers ( no way they are journos) are dumber than doggie doo and the “scientists” who wrote this crap should be put in stocks and have veggies thrown at them. Next story is aliens will be having tea with the Queen or Obama does some work for a change.

    • miked1947 says:

      If you were not so stingy and were not hoarding all the rain water, sea levels would not have fallen! 😉

  4. gator69 says:

    ” Now, when ice gets spread out, it simply breaks up and disappears.”

    Actually, when sea ice expands, Julienne disappears.

  5. margaret berger says:

    Maybe Andyoz has stashed the rain water with the missing heat and that explains both the lower sea level and lower temperatures! 🙂

  6. juergenuie says:

    Without the Canadian Coast Guard Vessel CCGS Henry Larsen.and others the ice would get some ships stranded. Just read a blog from the LIBELLULE and it says that the CCGS Henry Larsen helped the Russian expedition cruise ship Akademik Ioffe and motoryacht Lady M II. Afterwards it helped the LIBELLULE, Acalephe and Traversey III.
    Roald Amundsen did the Northwest passage between 1903 and 1906 without icebreakers and modern ice chart information.

    • Karl W. Braun says:

      And Roald’s boat, the Cjoa, which I used to see at San Francisco’s Ocean Beach, didn’t look much bigger than the Arctic Joule.

  7. Robertv says:

    ” Time to give an explanation to our dicision to give up” etc etc etc

    ” our team and our colleagues on yachts and ships around us “

  8. Robertv says:

    That Gaia has officially announced that she is angry about junk science is nothing new.

    Scientists Predict Big Solar Cycle

  9. Hugh K says:

    “As our ice cover has thinned, some of our old rules are changing,” said Stroeve.

    Does that mean pulling and pushing will now replace rowing?

  10. Anything is possible says:

    New ice already forming in Eureka sound. Egg code “J”

  11. Traitor In Chief says:

    Check out this chart on Energy reserves from Motley Fool

    Here’s the full article. You may be req’d to register to read it..

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