50% Increase In Arctic Sea Ice Since Last Year

Green shows ice gain since August 8, 2012. Red shows ice loss over that period.

ScreenHunter_60 Aug. 10 00.17


Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to 50% Increase In Arctic Sea Ice Since Last Year

  1. Andy Oz says:

    This is probably my favourite chart right now.
    Global sea ice is gonna go ballistic once the Arctic winter starts building.

    • F. Guimaraes says:

      I 100% agree and we have very good reasons to think that the present recovery will continue unabated in the future years: solar radiations on decline and ocean oscillations (AMO going negative & PDO already negative) are telling us so. I’m expecting more “good surprises” in the next 12 months.

  2. Robertv says:

    It’s over again that beautiful summer.


    Also prove that summer was warm in 1973

  3. gator69 says:


    The Weathtard Channel just reported that it is soooooo hot in China, that tires are catching on fire!

    I kid you not.

  4. Edward. says:

    And here’s me thinking that the Arctic pole was going to be ice free last year, or was it 2005, well anyway pretty soon innit, though Prof’ Wadhams has reined in his gob somewhat:

    Death spiral postponed – again……………or not and anyway does not equal CAGW kidz – look to the Austral ice cap and sea ice extent.

  5. Reblogged this on The Firewall.

  6. Joe Yowsa says:

    Where did the data come from?

  7. BBould says:

    Why doesn’t this chart reflect the same thing?


  8. IceKing63 says:

    I have been fascinated by the presentation of data on that website for the last 5 or 6 years. I believe it is the same data. It is just presentation and reference. They compress the chart to accentuate the downward slope. Then they stick it between their “30 year average” which until recently was that 1979-2000 mean, and the unusual 2012 year. It’s beautiful data, they just dress it really really bad to support their dream.

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