Hansen Says European Winters Are Getting Warmer

The average warming of European winters is at least as large as the average warming of summers, but it is less noticeable because of the much greater variability in winter.


It is warmer, but you just aren’t qualified to understand. It is above your pay grade.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Hansen Says European Winters Are Getting Warmer

  1. Cthulhu says:

    “It is warmer, but you just aren’t qualified to understand. It is above your pay grade.”

    That’s close to the truth aint it?

    Tell me who is working for world renowned science organization called NASA and who is spending all day posting whines to a blog? Is it Dr James Hansen or non-dr Steve Goddard?

    Assuming Steve Goddard is your real name.

    • Nice to have a new troll around.

    • Assuming Steve Goddard is your real name.

      This is just too funny. Trolls don’t think well when it’s cold.

    • Tell me who is working for world renowned science organization called NASA

      NASA, whose main mission is improving relations with Muslims—that NASA? And who continually has to update its sun spot number projection because of how bad it always is? That NASA?

      And James Hansen, is he the one that said Manhattan below his office was supposed to be underwater by now? Ya, that’s him. And isn’t he the James Hansen that has been arrested at coal protest? Isn’t he the environmental activist? Ya….. I think that’s him. And isn’t he the guy who predicted in 1988 how much warming was going to happen in 20 years and his predictions didn’t work out? Ya, that’s the guy.

      The flood prediction thing didn’t work out. The rising temperature prediction thing didn’t work out. And this warming Europe prediction isn’t working out too…….. but he’s a prestigious scientist. ;O)

    • Ian says:

      The screen name that you have chosen for yourself tells us that you are a fantasist (probably an extreme one at that). It is not at all surprising, therefore, that you should eschew reality in favor of the pure fantasy of CAGW.

  2. R. de Haan says:

    There comes a point where he has to shut up because it’s so cold nobody will take him serious any longer. Or did that already happen? It did didn’t it?

  3. MikeTheDenier says:

    OT……The new Social Disease of the 21st Century. First some stupid farming game now even stupider birds and pigs.


  4. Latitude says:

    Tell me who is working for world renowned science organization called NASA and who is spending all day posting whines to a blog?
    Gavin A. Schmidt

    Hey Steve 😉

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