One Week – Less Than 2000 Calories

I ate less than 2000 calories total while traveling, and in Europe last week – while getting a lot of exercise. People can get by on a lot less food than they realize.

I have found that not eating on the airplane makes me feel much better when I  land. My trip to Lisbon was 22 hours – and I immediately picked up a bike and rode for four hours. No stiffness, no tiredness. They only morning I felt bad was the one after I ate a restaurant meal.

Jack LaLanne was mentored by Paul Bragg, who always fasted at least several days a week. Both died in their late 90s.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to One Week – Less Than 2000 Calories

  1. Mike Davis says:

    I knew people who followed the same type of life style that died in their 40s and 50s!
    If it works for you, go for it!

  2. Mike Davis says:

    I have an aunt who is past 95 and her sister lived to 95. No extraordinary lifestyle for them as they were just country girls.

  3. GregO says:

    Fasting two days a week is an excellent program. I do it Tuesday and Saturday. We eat way too much and you don’t know it yourself until you try getting by on very little.

  4. suyts says:

    lol, I sort of fast on a regular basis. Sometimes, I drink so much beer, I’m too full to eat. It isn’t for everyone, but it works for me. 🙂

  5. Andy Weiss says:

    Steve, how many pounds did you lose on the trip? Do you tend to be overweight?

  6. NoMoreGore says:

    There was a researcher a few years ago who found that mice who are held to a low cal diet lived half again as long. The process of digesting food is very stressful on the body. If I have a big meal I’m always really suffering. And eating before sleeping is the worst. I feel my best when I’m half starved. You’re not as gratified, but you’re more energetic and comfortable. Americans die early because of obesity. If we ate like Europeans we’d live to be 100.

    That said, I MUST have my steak and wine every weekend. Some things in life are worth dying for. 🙂

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