Was This Sarah Palin’s Fault??


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Was This Sarah Palin’s Fault??

  1. BioBob says:

    Of course !

    You expect to blame this on the Religion of Peace ™ ?

  2. TimC says:

    I had rather assumed from “The Bottom Line” that this blog was all about interesting natural phenomena and the AGW debate. Lately it seems to have become mostly a right-wing rant on current affairs.

    Think it’s time for me to go elsewhere, to where there is some moderation in content and views. Peace, good wishes and au revoir to all.

    • Paul H says:


    • Wart says:

      Today Peter Warner, over at The Belmont Club, writes, “For over twenty years, every time I read the words ‘Peace’ in someone’s closing signature, it makes me uncomfortable. There is something sinister and threatening in that expression. The word ‘peace’ seems to actually be a threat.”

      —I’m just sayin’.

    • Justa Joe says:

      Yeah c’mon, where’s all Bristol Palin bashing for the sake of “some moderation in content.”

    • PhilJourdan says:

      TimC – place the blame where it belongs. On the nutjobs in AGW that have to turn science into politics and religion.

      • BioBob says:

        I vividly recall leaving a pretty moderate comment at the newly created RealClimate blog some time ago …. boy did I ever get an immediate wakeup call as mine and other non-AGWist comments were “assassinated with all prejudice”.

        Obviously there is comment moderation and then there is comment moderation…… I don’t especially find that process onerous here, but being muzzeled is an entirely different matter.

  3. James Mayeau says:

    But that was before Sarah Palin was born by Saturday Night Live.
    Sure, after 2007 Sarah is responsible for the Sun rising and setting, but before that nothing. She is absolved of all blame due to lack of spotlight.

  4. Latitude says:

    But this is just one muslim, with no connections to anything else muslim….

    …conservatives, tea party people, etc practice group think

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