Romm Calculates That 1927 Was 300 Years Ago

CO2 must have been extremely high in 1927.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Romm Calculates That 1927 Was 300 Years Ago

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    Henceforth, all bad weather of any kind is due to manmade CO2. Also, all bad weather is “exceptional”.

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Baghdad Romm

  3. Jim Cole says:

    I venture to guess that everyday, somewhere on earth, a record weather event is taking place.

    Hot, cold, wet, dry, wind, tornado, hurricane, lightning, wildfire, insect invasion, etc.

    Some clueless types would also throw in earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic eruptions, meteor impacts, solar flares, aurora borealis, tides, “blue moons”, etc., etc.

    If you think that history began when you were born, it’s easy to be swayed that such things are “unprecedented” or “exceptional”

    Doesn’t make it so. In terms of earth history, humans are SOOOOOOO immaterial.

    But all these normal events feed the media machine!

    • If you have 3000 weather stations and a 100 year record, you would expect to have about 30 record highs and 30 record lows set every day. Each station has a 2/100 chance of setting either a record high or low on each day.

  4. A K Haart says:

    “Romm calculates…” That’s me switched off.

  5. Scott says:

    Technically, one could have “once in 300-year” events in back-to-back years. But really what it comes down to is the picture they’re trying to paint, and that’s where it’s dishonest.


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