Record Cold Springtime In Alaska

Climate experts tell us that Alaska is the global warming canary in the coal mine.

ScreenHunter_87 May. 10 07.28

Alaska Endures Record Cold While Still Buried Under Snow

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Record Cold Springtime In Alaska

  1. David says:

    Alaska is the canary in the coal mine for global warming. looks like we need a new canary the last one froze to death.

  2. tckev says:

    Please help save the canary.
    Canaries are freezing everywhere, if we can just help save one canary .
    So, please help, and fire-up an SUV at least an hour a day, turn the thermostat up 2 or 3 degrees. Remember, together we can do it, YES WE CAN.

    I am B.O. and I approve this message.

  3. Robert Austin says:

    Record cold is only weather, don’t you know. Now record hot, that is totally different and always an indication of man made climate change.

  4. rw says:

    Be sure and share this post with Gina.

  5. Justa Joe says:

    When Alaska had their little hot spell several yeras back the libtards/warmists were going nuts. They were going on like it was the end of the world. now… crickets

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