How To Spot A Climate Criminal

A climate criminal eagerly anticipates something which they say is catastrophic

ScreenHunter_9545 Jun. 17 04.50

A climate criminal alters their own data to make the climate appear to be warming.

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A climate criminal ignores the fact that their tampered surface data massively diverges from much more accurate satellite data, which shows cooling.

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A climate criminal ignores the fact that models have massively over-predicted warming

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A climate criminal vehemently objects to an El Nino on the left side of the graph, but excitedly reports the possibility of one on the right side of the graph.

ScreenHunter_9547 Jun. 17 05.08

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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57 Responses to How To Spot A Climate Criminal

  1. An inconvenient truth?
    No, just adjust the data!

    The world is not warming,
    But the warmists won’t be denied,
    By “adjusting” the data
    The truth they can hide!

  2. pinroot says:

    The only people for whom there is a ‘long awaited’ jump in temperatures is the alarmists crowd. They show their true colors with statements like that. It’s not ‘long expected’ or ‘long predicted’, it’s ‘long awaited’ because they’ve been waiting for the past 18+ years for temperatures to increase.

    • cfgj says:

      Meanwhile the oceans have been heating up without a pause. Most skeptics would rather forget this inconvenient truth..

      • gator69 says:

        To arrive at their conclusion, the JPL scientists did a straightforward subtraction calculation, using data for 2005-2013 from the Argo buoys, NASA’s Jason-1 and Jason-2 satellites, and the agency’s Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites. From the total amount of sea level rise, they subtracted the amount of rise from the expansion in the upper ocean, and the amount of rise that came from added meltwater. The remainder represented the amount of sea level rise caused by warming in the deep ocean.
        The remainder was essentially zero. Deep ocean warming contributed virtually nothing to sea level rise during this period.

        No thermal expansion. Zero. Zip.

        SST’s are also flat.

        Quit being a denier.

        • cfgj says:

          You need to read more carefully, no thermal expansion at deeper than 2000m. Between 0-2000m it’s a different matter altogether. No hiatus.

        • gator69 says:

          You need to think more carefully. The SST’s are flat, and the deep oceans are not warming. So what is warming? A mystery layer in between that is not effected by CO2?


      • bit chilly says:

        could you point me to the raw data to back that assertion up. raw data remember, not the usual reanalysis pish churned out by brainwashed researchers at the various american fund chasing establishments desperate to stay on the gravy train.

      • Stewart Pid says:

        Only a true loon of the left like cfgj could swallow the lie of the missing heat hiding somewhere and not have their BS detector go off.
        The oceans are heating and the atmosphere isn’t …. right!!

      • Gail Combs says:

        The sea surface temperature is similar to that of the satelite temperatureand also show the pause, not surprising since the oceans are 70% of the surface and out weigh land temp 2 to 1.
        From the EPA

  3. I’ve been looking at the news coverage of the encyclical.

    To put it bluntly it has not gone well for the alarmists.

    To put it in football terms: it’s a home fixture, the alarmists are putting out their best team, they’ve bribed the ref and after arriving after the kick-off the sceptics appear to have forgotten most of their team and had to coerce a few fans from the stand to play.

    And still the sceptics are drawing. Is their game plan to lull us into a false sense of victory?

    • omanuel says:

      Football is a good analogy.

      Sophia Loren explained what alarmists are missing:

      “There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age. ”

  4. Marsh says:

    We should recognise the Alarmists for what they are & call it for what it is ; Organised Crime!

    • Gail Combs says:

      Actually the Alarmists are the serfs of the elite, doing the bidding of the ultra-rich and powerful without even noticing they wear an invisible serf’s collar.

      Robin’s site discusses in depth the training of the neo-feudal serfs. (A new law is comming up for vote to make it happen too.)

      Shaped and Sculpted Young People Ready to be Governable Participants in a New Future

      … I want to talk first about what is happening and also to bring back a group of posts that bears directly on interpreting the intentions of the Every Child Achieves Act of 2015.

      Now I am known for liking a good Grab the Attention metaphor in my titles, but this one is an actual quote of the intentions involving students, education, data, and experimenting to create new kinds of people and societies via public policy. First, we get a declaration of giving the public bogus reasons on why children need to learn to code as a basic new educational skill. Meanwhile admitting that the required practices will reorient students into the new ways of thinking “required to participate in the digital governance of the state” [and thus them, whether our ‘new thinkers’ ever grasp that real goal]. Later, ‘digital making’ activities are acknowledged as “a way of seeking to shape citizen subjectivities and capacities”, which certainly fits with my insistence that K-12 education globally is now intent on molding future likely behaviors and the student’s personality at a biological level….

      I am now very greatful I decided not to have children** with the way the future is shaping up.

      ** I married at 36 and as a chemist handled mutagens.

      • Dave1billion says:

        Sorry about your limited options for kids, but morbid curiosity makes me want want to ask whether you were handling only mutagenic compounds or were there teratogenic ones too.

        Those seem to be the more common category of chemicals from my limited toxicology training. Of course you could have been working with more exotic chemicals. Or I could just plain be wrong.

        And welcome back. Your absence was missed. I kept asking myself, “Where’s Gail?”

      • Marsh says:

        So very true Gail ; the overall deception involves a collective with a high percentage
        unaware of being puppets to a godfather organisation. Of course many of the serf’s are both, educated & gullible at the same time. In being so entrenched, when they discover CAGW is flawed – their arrogant stance, prevents them from admitting they were wrong;
        we even seen that on this blog site…

        With the way the future is shaping up today it’s so different to the populations of the past, such as during the Industrial Revolution onto the World Wars & the Atomic Bomb. Your attachments are a heads up to the way true democracy is becoming something of the past. Today in Western society, this new political control & moral harm, was what we would only consider for our worst enemies.

        On the other issue ; with all my years in Health Care / Hospital Industry, the Women that had the most senior positions or put back the most into society ; were also without children; you are in very good company !

      • Ted says:

        The neo-feudal serf comment reminded me of this story from a few weeks ago:

        Possibly the most disturbing thing I’ve ever heard from the leader of a supposedly free nation:
        “For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone.” – David Cameron

        • Gail Combs says:

          That comment is truly disturbing. The puppets of the elite are no longer trying to hide their totalitarian plans.

  5. Stewart Pid says:

    Excellent post Tony but is it climate criminal or climate clown??
    I prefer Obozo, the climate clown!

  6. omanuel says:

    DC Clothesline today identified a new global climate criminal:

    “Pope Francis says that global warming is a fact and that A NEW GLOBAL POLITICAL AUTHORITY is necessary in order to save humanity from utter disaster.”

    • Robertv says:

      So he wants WWIII.

      • Gail Combs says:

        He wants world wide Communism. Didn’t take him long to show his true colors did it?

      • Andrew S says:

        well, he (or ‘The Vatican’) thinks there are 6 BIllion people too many.

        • cfgj says:

          Jesus was clearly a communist-hippie, but perhaps he was “mislead” by people/deities around him 😀 😀

        • gator69 says:

          Free will is not a concept of communism. Salvation is not gained through state edicts.

          Thanks for showing your ignorance of yet another topic.

        • AndyG55 says:

          Like you, and Obarmy?

    • JN says:

      The Pope’s involvement proves CAGW is driven by social justice, not science and facts. The Pope wants to redistribute wealth, and he realizes the only way to do that is through coercion, and the only way to coerce people is to frighten/alarm them, and the only way to frighten/alarm them is to insist their economic activity is destroying the planet.

      • Gail Combs says:

        It is not driven by ‘Social Justice’ it is driven by the elites desire for a world wide totalitarian government and that should scare the pants off anyone in their right mind.

        Socialism is just the newest ‘religion’ used to brainwash the masses and CAGW is a part of their brainwashing strategy.

        See my ‘Silly Wild Ass Guess’ about Karl Marx.

        Robert Minor, a communist, showed the link between the Walstreet Bankers and Marx in his 1911 cartoon.

        “Karl Marx surrounded by an appreciative audience of Wall Street financiers: John D. Rockefeller, J. P. (Pontifex Maximus) Morgan, (Pontifex Maximus), John D. Ryan of National City Bank, and Morgan partner George W. Perkins. Immediately behind Karl Marx is Teddy Roosevelt, leader of the Progressive Party.”

        Remember the French Socialist and former WTO Director-General, Pascal Lamy stated the decision was made in the 1930’s to get rid of national sovereignty and all world leaders agreed. That would have been FDR. FDR’s wife Eleanor who was the niece of President Theodore Roosevelt.

        • omanuel says:

          Regretfully, Gail is exactly right.

          The good news is that these climate criminals are no better or worse than you or me.

          They are frightened, selfish and self-centered, just like the rest of us.

        • Zebo says:

          well Gail.
          It is no coincidence that the big communist Karl Marx spent his exile in the Bansters Capital LONDON,
          and it is no coincidence that the other big communist Leo Trotzky started the russian revolution from New York.

          And it is no coincidence that Communism has killed 4 times more people than
          than the fascism in the 20th century but people only cry about the evil nazis while communism is still alright somehow.

          And it is no coincidence that the same family that financed Hitler(Rockefeller/Chase Manhattan) is the same family that is the driving force behind the communist UN,the leading force of elitist globalisation Think Tanks(Bilderberger/CFR/ Trilleteral Commisions) and secret meetings(Bohemian Grove)

          First create a nationalist monster from the right(Hitler)
          to make people think that only globalist left(=world communism)
          is the only answer.
          I guess that was the message for the people.

        • Marsh says:

          Many years ago, CAGW initiatives were originally driven by ‘Social Justice’ but at some point of opportunity , the elites became involved & politically leveraged for world wide control ; CAGW is now a tool for Political Change – the Environment is but a shop front.

          To what degree this is happening world wide is debateabale ; most of the traction appears to be in the United States, but internationally – it’s mostly within Universities.
          It’s revealing how some Media outlets & Organisations surrendered to this doctrine.

          To me, it’s clear as crystal that CO2 cannot be a causation for Climate Change within
          the overarching factors, that govern natural variability ; only requires basic research!
          Obviously, many Warmist Serf’s are intelligent;; are they just psychologically inept?

        • Ted says:


          The warm mongers have always admitted that CO2 can’t cause the problems they advertise. They just don’t lead with that minor detail. On some level, they’re right. CO2 most assuredly can raise temperatures. They use that basic fact to hook the sheep, who will then never bother reading the fine print. All the apocalyptic predictions they make are based on positive feedbacks that are both staggeringly enormous, and entirely hypothetical. There is absolutely no evidence for positive temperature feedbacks, beyond the peaks and valleys of the glacial cycles. But the fact that the Earth has gone billions of years without ever running away in either direction, is pretty solid evidence against them. Without those hypothetical feedbacks, we’d literally choke to death on CO2 before we got to 5 degrees of warming. And that’s by the warm mongers’ own calculations. But you won’t find one person in ten at a global warming rally who’s read enough to accept that. For most of them, science is a stick to hit you with, not a process to discover truth.

        • Marsh says:

          Ted , yeah I agree with most of that…

          Interesting how you expose the Warm Mongers – they appear to be more than corrupt ; more like a mental illness…( “bad” Science is a stick to hit you with ) true.

      • Andrew S says:

        The first Pope to have a legacy of ‘Liberation Theology’ of which ‘Social Justice’ is a component. (Black) Liberation Theology, didn’t do so well in South Africa, where the practice of Necklacing(Tires of burning petrol placed around the victims). Obama’s Church in Chicago espoused Black Liberation Theology(which is basically eliminate everything white(Caucasian). And we hear the ‘Social Justice’ buzzwords a lot lately.

    • omanuel says:

      Arrogant, blind selfishness was, and is, the problem 500 years later

      1. In 1543 the Pope refused to admit Earth and the other planets orbit a giant, fountain of energy that Copernicus reported at the gravitational center of the solar system, supplying heat and light to the entire solar system.

      2. Over the next 500 years nuclear and space age measurements and observations provided indisputable evidence [1] this giant fountain of energy is powered by NEUTRON REPULSION [1], the most powerful source of nuclear energy in cores of

      _ a.) All atoms heavier than 150 amu(atomic mass units)
      _ b.) Some planets like Jupiter
      _ c.) Ordinary stars like the Sun
      _ d.) Galaxies like the Milky Way
      _ e.) The expanding Universe

      3. In 2015 the Pope still refuses to admit the climates of the Earth and the other planets are controlled by the giant, fountain of energy that Copernicus reported at the gravitational center of the solar system in 1543.

      • Gail Combs says:

        The Pope and the Bansters/Aristocracy lost control of the peasants starting in 1776. A quick look at the history of the time shows:
        1776 – American Revolution

        1789 until 1799. French Revolution

        1803 – 1815 Napoleonic Wars (involving most of Europe)

        War of 1812

        Chartism was a working-class movement for political reform in Britain which existed from 1838 to 1858. ( Classical Liberal or Socialist? I would think Classical Liberal.)

        All of this was the third estate (peasants/bourgeoisie) shaking off the yoke of the Aristocracy/Banksters and the clergy and putting a major scare into the elite.

        They have been working hard ever since to get the peasants ===>bourgeoisie back under their thumb. That is why one of the major points of Socialism/Communism is an attack on private property.

        A capitalistic system allows you to take your privately owned property, that is raw materials, adding inspiration and labor to produce a product desired by others. You trade the excess product you have produced for products others have produced that you want or need. As one person commented if you can not own property then your are property. If you can not own property free and clear, you can no longer invest your labor and inspiration to produce a product (and a profit) for yourself but are forced to labor for another. That is you are now a serf. The only difference is instead of being a serf on a feudal estate you are a wage slave to a corporation.

        Why is this type of economic plan so desired by the elite?

        If you can own property you can be completely or nearly completely self-sufficient. If you can not own property, if it is really tough to start your own business, then the government gets to collects a share of your wealth via taxes on your labor and the exchange of goods, the banksters collects it’s share via loans (97% of US money is loans) and the corporations collects it’s share via your labor and the products you buy. The government of course wants you working FOR someone who collects taxes and gives it to the government before you ever see it. They hate cash, and they hate small businessmen because they can not make as much money or squeese out every last penny from a person who is close to self-sufficient or works for themselves.

        Also a person who is close to self-sufficient is very hard to threaten. Think about the state of science for example. Most people would rather be honest but they have a mortgage, student loans, car payments and credit card debt so they are literally slaves to their pay check especially as it gets harder and harder to be an entrepreneur thanks to massive ever changing red tape and massive fines. The only reason I remained honest is because I am hard headed and it cost me major $$$ and any chance at a pension.

        • Robertv says:

          Exactly. It is about control, control and control.

        • Robertv says:

          Never in the history of mankind so few know so much about so many.

        • omanuel says:


          CONTROL is the ONE thing frightened world leaders do NOT have and CANNOT have over the PULSAR that:

          1. Made the chemical elements

          2. Birthed the solar system 5 Ga ago

          3. Sustained the origin and evolution of life after 3.8 Ga ago

          4. Still controls every atom, life and planet in the solar system today!

          Lack of power is their dilemma.

        • Robertv says:

          And they still didn’t find (I think) the way to be immortal. All that power and still just a human being.

        • dave g says:

          + 100. And all this crony capitalism trade hoopla is just a huge trap door into this globalist abyss.

        • Ted says:

          If only we were feudal serfs. A medieval lord typically took about 25% of a serf’s production. For that, the serf got protection from outside invasion, a home, and a plot of land to farm. When all taxes are added up, a modern American pays closer to 50% in taxes. But we need to provide our own home, and our own farm, (or other means of production) with what we have left.

      • omanuel says:

        Arrogant, blind selfishness -driven by fear – was, and is, the problem that has plagued us for ~500 years: 1543-2015

        The best measurements and observations of the physical universe [1] agree with the most advanced teachings of diverse spiritual programs:

        Fear-induced selfishness has blinded us to the Benevolent Force that sustains our lives.

        Precise measurements and observations of the physical universe do not endorse or oppose any particular religious description of the Force that sustains life.

        May the Force be with us all!


        1a. “Solar Energy,” Adv. Astron. (submitted 1 Sept 2104; published privately 17 Mar 2015)

        1b. “Supplement for Teachers” (published 30 Mar 2015)

        1c. “Intro: Science for Teachers” (published 23 May 2015)

        • DD More says:

          Here are six key points from the encyclical.

          Population Control Is Not the Answer

          For Pope Francis, caring about the environment goes hand in hand with taking a strong stand against abortion. “Since everything is interrelated, concern for the protection of nature is also incompatible with the justification of abortion,” the encyclical says.

          This Isn’t Just About the Environment

          While the encyclical is centered around climate change and the environment, the overall message takes broad swipes at the consumer culture and calls for humans to cut back. “We seem to think that we can substitute an irreplaceable and irretrievable beauty with something that we have created ourselves,” Francis writes, one of several times he warns about the dangers of technology created without a thought to its long-term impacts.

          International Action Is Needed, But Only the Right Kind

          The encyclical says that governments need to think as “one world with a common plan,” saying that individual nations may not always act in everyone’s interest or have enforceable measures on their own. But Francis also expresses disappointment with international negotiators in the past, saying that 2012 talks in Rio de Janiero only produced “a wide-ranging but ineffectual outcome document,” in part because developed countries were only thinking of their own self-interests.

          The Water Crisis Is Real, So Put Down That Bottled Water

          Francis—the first pope from the developing world—highlights the broad impact that climate change is having on the poor, but he takes steps to emphasize some specific impacts. One chapter looks at the water crisis, saying that global warming has depleted freshwater resources, while industrial activity and chemical pollution has polluted drinking water in poor places. Building on the theme of limiting consumption, Francis laments that, “in some places, there is a growing tendency, despite its scarcity, to privatize this resource, turning it into a commodity subject to the laws of the market.”

          Pesticides Pollute and GMOs Are a Complex Issue

          Francis takes on pesticides in a section of the encyclical focused on “pollution, waste, and the throwaway culture.” After noting that daily exposure to pollutants can create serious and even deadly health risks, the pope says that “fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and agrotoxins in general” cause pollution that impacts everyone.
          Francis also delves into the controversy over genetically modified organisms. The pope notes that genetic modification of plants and animals is not a new phenomenon but one that exists in nature and has also been carried out by humans for years. “It is difficult to make a general judgement about genetic modification (GM),” the encyclical says. “Although no conclusive proof exists that GM cereals may be harmful to human beings, and in some regions their use has brought about economic growth that has helped to resolve problems, there remain a number of significant difficulties that should not be underestimated.” Francis warns that “the expansion of these crops has the effect of destroying the complex network of ecosystems [and] diminishing the diversity of production.”

          The Pope Thinks You Should Ride the Bus

          Francis links the quality of life in cities to how we get around. Too many cars on the road cause traffic jams and pollution and suck up fossil fuels, the encyclical notes, adding that overreliance on cars also leads to the construction of more roads and the paving over of the natural environment to create parking lots.

          So no abortions, no population controls (other than starving people and feeding pests), no carbon credit schemes and stop selling water and ride the bus. Do the eco-nuts really want to sign on to this?

  7. Climatism says:

    Reblogged this on Climatism and commented:
    Satellite data was all the rage in the 90’s when it was warming. Now it’s scoffed at.

    Welcome to agenda/political driven climate ‘science’ …

  8. bit chilly says:

    i would speak to ren before mentioning el nino ,it is not a foregone conclusion by a long shot.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Joe Bastardi in April had this comment at WUWT:

      Joe Bastardi
      April 27, 2015
      That SOI is huge as the WARM WATER around Australia provides the natural cap on where this can go. It made for the modoki event we saw late fall through winter rather the super nino talk that was going on last April with the CFSV2 went out of its mind. The modoki was very well correlated with major cold eastern winters and the bedrock of our cold winter forecast) but is a basinwide event now. However the surrounding picture is not good for this to go to the super nino idea of the CFSV2 again. The warm water near Australia promotes lower surface pressures in the means there, which means the easterlies can not slow as much in the classic case. We have been showing in numerous posts on Weatherbell, the major differences in SST around Australia with the long lived and stronger events . In addition there is a problem in the relationship between the n and s pac. We still have what is a cold PDO look in the S hem So our call for our clients is this building to near 1.5 ( I am a huge fan of the JAMSTEC/IRI blend) and then backing down and re centering in the enso 3.4 for winter. I would also look for a MAJOR flip in the coming 3 years to a nasty la nina, and with the amo turning cold, the drop in global temps after this current warmer period should take them down further than post 07/10 ensos. I would suggest a close look at the evolution of the SST GLOBALLY in the late 1950s and early 60s for a similar situation.
      cheers to all

      I am still trying to convince Hubby to dump Masters and go with Weatherbell instead so I do not know what Joe has said recently.

      This over at WUWT was amusing May 16, 2015 Forecast super El Niño for fall nearly double the strength of 1998 Super El NiñoWow! ECMWF {European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts] Long-Term Weather Model Is Predicting a Super El Niño and I Mean Super They really have their hopes up don’t they?

      Joe Bastardi May 16, 2015 at 9:33 am

      Jamstec and IRI blend usually best on this matter Weatherbell predicts similar enso event to 57-58, 65-66 should peak before winter, and shrink back to enso 3.4 warmer than 1.2 a marker for a cold winter. Look for major flop to global temp dropping la nina within 3 yrs. Before that though, get ready , the agenda offendas are coming out in full force. You think its bad now with their global temps, wait till this cranks more.

      This comment is very interesting Groundhog ENSO seems June 2015 is a repeat of June 2014 in terms of SST.

      As is this one It’s always worth checking on the Peruvian anchovies to get their perspective on the current status of ENSO and possible hints of the future…. Seems the anchovies think the ClimAstrologists are full of fish poo.

  9. Andy DC says:

    Cleveland actually won the NBA finals. A few adjustments to the score, some Cleveland biased refs and 97% of the sports media bought off could easily make that a simple fact. A fact that unthinking sheep, such as cfgj and others of his ilk would blindly accept.

  10. Centinel2012 says:

    Reblogged this on Centinel2012 and commented:
    And the massive tampering has not even brought them close to the IPCC model projections its a joke!

  11. Gail Combs says:

    Ted says@ June 19, 2015 at 1:50 am

    If only we were feudal serfs. A medieval lord typically took about 25% of a serf’s production. For that, the serf got protection from outside invasion, a home, and a plot of land to farm. When all taxes are added up, a modern American pays closer to 50% in taxes….

    I hate to tell you but 50% is absurdly low. Back when I first started a small business, 25 years ago, I calculated the OVERT taxes I paided. It was 65.4% This does not include all the hidden taxes – Reagan’s famous 51 taxes on a loaf of bread. And then there is the ‘inflation tax’ created by printing more dollars and devaluing your wages and savings.

    Back when I started work in the early 70s, my husband and I could have saved up enough money in seven years to buy a three bedroom ranch house outright. However we got the ‘gas crisis’ and the mid 70s recession and we were stuck with a mortgage as the cost of a home spiraled out of sight. Notice how the first years of a mortgage are all interest and you do not start really start paying much on the principle until towards the end of the thirty years. In the mean time you have been moved by your company or changed jobs and moved so you are always paying the Banksters interest on the new home and never building much equity.

    That doesn’t even get into the corporation fleecing you…. I would be suprised if we actually have the use of as much as 10% of the wealth we earn.

    • omanuel says:

      I was a bit harsh to suggest the Pope is a climate criminal. In fact, as noted elsewhere today,

      HIS GOD IS TOO SMALL was the title to a book that succinctly explains the problem.

      We have NO evidence the Universe, Reality, God is finite in space or time, but we are unwilling to consider the possibility life forms may exist on planets that orbit other stars than the Sun.

      Almost 500 years ago Copernicus reported that Earth is not the center of the universe. The Catholic Church didn’t like that discovery precisely because THEIR GOD WAS TOO SMALL!”

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