Obama Just Wanted A Vote

Obama has been telling us for three months that he “just wanted a vote.”

He got his vote, lost, and then he threw a temper tantrum and declared that 80% of America is evil and that he was going to beat America into submission.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Obama Just Wanted A Vote

  1. Me says:

    Pretty much!

  2. Pathway says:

    We have a man child in charge of the country. He has deep psychological issues because of his abandonment by first his father and later on his mother. He spent lots of time at the knee of Frank Davis who was a know pedophile and rabid Marxist.

  3. Andy DC says:

    I for one will be happy to put the gun control issue on the back burner for awhile. Not that many people’s lives would have been affected one way or the other.

  4. Jambon-X says:

    I was glad to see the Teleprompter Tantrum yesterday.

    A lot of people seem to like 0bama. They must think he’s likable.

    As I was watching the Tantrum, I was thinking, “wow, this guy is being a real DICK.”

    Hopefully the low information voter will have more chances to see the DICK side of His Majesty’s personality.

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