Arctic Nearly Gone!

PIOMAS shows that all the ice in the Arctic will be gone in a year or two. It may even go negative.

ScreenHunter_56 Feb. 14 19.29

At some point these geniuses are going to have to come up with an escape strategy, as they have painted themselves into a corner.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Arctic Nearly Gone!

  1. Don’t laugh Steve. When the models go negative then all hell will break loose.

  2. Olaf Koenders says:

    That’s not ice volume, it’s PIOMAS’ credibility rating..

  3. TomC says:

    “At some point these geniuses are going to have to come up with an escape strategy, as they have painted themselves into a corner.”

    I keep telling everyone there’s only so much further they can manipulate data upwards (downwards in this case) to match their flawed models.
    Each new revision of a global temperature dataset tacks on a 0.02-0.04°C or more onto yearly reported temperatures post-1980. Most of these agencies are already on their third or fourth version. Just look at how 1998 has been manipulated. Additionally, their most recent datasets have been subtracting 0.02-0.04°C or more to temperatures pre-1940.
    Then there’s sea-level. Each new version of sea level data adds a new, previously unaccounted for, metric inflating the previously reported gradual steady rise there’s been for the past 6 millennia. The latest being glacial isostatic adjustment. I’m sure in another couple years when observations start lacking behind the models they’ll find some other convenient unaccounted for phenomenon to suit their observation-bias and attach some scientific moniker to it.

    • kirkmyers says:

      We’ve witnessed first hand the morphing of science into “political science.” The climastrologists promulgating the global warming fantasy have been discredited seven ways from Sunday. Their rigged models and predictions of doom have proven to be laughably inaccurate, yet they still attract a gullible following of hangers-on. That they continue to shovel out the alarmist B.S. is a testimony to their unwavering commitment to dishonesty and greed.

  4. tckev says:

    Another year or two and we’ll be at the new normal.

  5. Dave N says:

    September 21st, 2014. Mark it in your calendars!

  6. Lance says:

    from Shawshank prison warden….”its a mircle”!!! when they adjust the graph…

  7. kbray in california says:

    Isn’t that also a chart of the purchase power of the dollar under Clinton, Bush, and Obama?

    That could go negative too…

    “At some point these geniuses are going to have to come up with an escape strategy, as they have painted themselves into a corner.”

  8. Andy OZ says:

    Hi Steve,
    I saw this and almost pissed myself laughing. You may have ref’d it before but I probably missed it.
    Your mate Joe Romm has gone into meltdown over ice volumes in the arctic.
    “No summer ice in a decade” “Disintegration of the Greenland Ice Sheet”…”Accelerated Global Warming”
    Mate. Joe Romm should be doing stand up comedy. He cracks me up.

    • Andy OZ says:

      “Its almost too late to save the Arctic…let’s hope it’s not to late to save the biosphere!” – Joe Romm

      Man what has this guy been smoking. He should go back to tobacco!

  9. Ben says:

    RE: all the ice in the Arctic will be gone in a year or two

    And by gone, they mean that 1,000,000 km^3 is close enough to zero to call it gone.

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