Scientists Seeking Funding Recycle The Same Stories Every Century

Scientists need funding, and the easiest way to obtain it is to make up science fiction stories which scare people. Once they find a good story, the recycle it as often as they can get away with.


 2 May 1932, Page 4 – at


25 May 1957, Page 5 – at

2015-10-30-07-40-42 2015-10-30-07-40-34

Rising Seas – Interactive: If All The Ice Melted

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Scientists Seeking Funding Recycle The Same Stories Every Century

  1. Jason Calley says:

    Nice “Rising Seas” map linked above from National Geographic! Still, not nearly catastrophic enough. How about a NatGeo map of “If Spiders Were The Size of Volkswagens”? Or “If the Atlantic Ocean Turned Into Pudding”? Or maybe, “If Ceres impacted Earth”? THAT would be a disaster!

  2. Climatism says:

    Reblogged this on Climatism.

  3. Andy DC says:

    There has been nothing static about sea levels over the eons and if somone is stupid enought to believe they can make them static or stable over the long term, they are obviously deluding themselves and anyone else who stupid enought to listen to them. As a species, it is a very obvious challenge, adapt or die.

    • oz4caster says:

      I agree, and this view also applies to climate. Climatic temperatures away from the tropics and especially in the northern hemisphere have had large variations over the last million years, which is also tied to glacial coverage and sea levels. There is little reason not to expect a repeat of these large variations in the next million years, with the longest periods on the extreme cold side.

  4. DD More says:

    NPS Visitor Brochure – Page 2.

    Go to the detail map of current extent positions and note 1929, 1925, 1982, 1916 as the dates of some of the most melted back conditions. 1966 is further down.

    They also have a “Glaciers Advance, Glaciers Retreat” with 1680, 1750, 1880 and Today.

  5. Robertv says:

    “The last time Earth was free of ice was more than 34 million years ago, in the Eocene epoch. Alligators swam in Arctic swamps. But the planet slowly cooled as carbon dioxide rained from the air and was locked up in seafloor sediments. Continental ice sheets formed first in Antarctica, but over the past few million years they’ve repeatedly surged across northern continents too. We’re living in a warm interglacial period—20,000 years ago Chicago, New York, and London were buried under ice.”

    In other words , Earth is much to cold and life should thank human activity for releasing all that captured CO2.

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