Hansen Tries Out A New Theory

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Hansen blaming the sun and natural variability for the lack of warming.

Q:The warmest temperatures since 1998, which were in 2005 and 2010, have all been pretty similar. How can we explain that we’ve not had a significantly warmer year than 1998 since then?

A: When you look at a short period, it’s hard to have statistically significant warming. But the rate has been less in the past decade than the prior three decades.

It’s normal. There’s no reason to believe that the temperature is going to be linear. There are a couple of reasons to believe it would be less. Since the 1970s we have been measuring the sun very precisely, and we know that this last solar cycle is the weakest of them all.

But there are other factors involved, some of which are not measured very well, including human-made aerosols [which cause cooling].

Then there’s just a natural variability. We’ve had in the last few years two strong La Ninas. That’s just a natural oscillation of tropical temperature. The 1998 El Nino was a record one, and that causes warming. The La Ninas cause a global cooling. When you have a big warming at the beginning and two La Ninas at the end, that tends to give you a negative trend.

Climate Scientist Hansen Turns Activist, Advocates ‘Fee’ on Carbon Pollution – Bloomberg

Hansen didn’t predict a linear increase in temperature. He predicted an exponential increase in temperature.

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One difference between Homer and Hansen, is that Homer has the integrity to admit that he was wrong.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Hansen Tries Out A New Theory

  1. Billy Liar says:

    I think if you just squished the right hand picture in the horizontal axis a little you would have a perfect match!

  2. gator69 says:

    Why do you pick on Homer Simpson so?

  3. philjourdan says:

    You mean the sun has an influence? WOW What a revelation!

  4. Lance says:

    homer admits he was wrong …..”Doh”!!!!, hansen does the Potomac10 step

  5. squid2112 says:

    Steven, please quit bashing Homer so much .. at least Homer lives in reality … 🙂

  6. Curt says:

    And we must remember the immortal Homer Simpson quotation: “In this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!” Hansen would do well to heed Homer…

  7. ntesdorf says:

    Homer must be embarrassed by his similarity in appearance to J. Hansen.

  8. I’m still waiting for his next super El Nino which was due in a couple of years, a couple of years ago. Actually he predicted it twice, then gave up predicting it.

  9. Chewer says:

    I’m sure Hansen knows the stimulus and stimuli that cause the MEI transitions, he just isn’t telling us. He also knows our star loses on average 3-4′ of mass per hour, but that couldn’t be as big a driver climate as C02:)
    He also knows the triggers for instigating stratwarm and the causes for reversals seen in the Indian ocean dipole, AMO, NAO, AO, Antarctic stream and PDO, but he’s just isn’t telling us…
    I suspect he has a very expensive crystal ball.

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