Mind-Blowing Fraud From The National Academy Of Sciences

Millions of people in the United States could be forced to abandon their homes if planet-warming emissions continue unabated through 2100, pushing global sea levels up by more than 14 feet, researchers said.

In the United States, between 20 million and 31 million people are living on land that would be submerged by rising oceans without aggressive cuts to greenhouse gas emissions, according to a study published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

That scenario could occur if global average temperatures rise by 5.9 degrees Fahrenheit from pre-industrial levels by the end of the century, said the study’s lead author, Benjamin Strauss.

Scientists fear ice sheets in Antarctica and other regions will melt as global temperatures increase, leading to major rises in sea levels.

“I would avoid buying property in south Florida in particular,” Strauss said.

Coastal California, as well as New York and other cities on the East Coast would also be hit hard by rising seas if carbon emissions are not cut drastically, he said.

Global warming, rising seas could force millions from homes in U.S., study says | The Columbus Dispatch

NOAA says sea level is rising 1.8 mm/year. It will take almost 3,000 years to reach 14 feet of sea level rise.

absolute global sea level rise is believed to be 1.7-1.8 millimeters/year

Sea Level Trends – Global Regional Trends

Forty years ago, the same National Academy of Sciences wanted to evacuate six million people to save them from global cooling.

PaintImage7TimesMachine: December 29, 1974 – NYTimes.com

People in South Florida are so worried about sea level rise, you can buy a condo in Miami for less than $28 million dollars.

ScreenHunter_10810 Oct. 15 03.50

2901 Collins Avenue #PH1602, Miami Beach, FL 33140 – Zillow

Sea level in coastal California isn’t rising at all. They are under no threat from sea level rise.


Sea Level Trends – State Selection

Sea level rise rates in New York haven’t changed since Lincoln was president. There is zero evidence that atmospheric CO2 has any influence on sea level rise rates, or that reducing CO2 would make any difference.

ScreenHunter_10774 Oct. 11 05.18

Sea Level Trends – State Selection

Atmospheric temperatures have fallen this century. The author talking about six degrees of rise this century is not based on any science.

ScreenHunter_10811 Oct. 15 03.58

Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

This article from the National Academy of Sciences is 100% fraud, from start to finish. It is typical of peer-reviewed climate literature.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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26 Responses to Mind-Blowing Fraud From The National Academy Of Sciences

  1. Marsh says:

    There will have to come a time, when the slate can be wiped clean for Science & start again.
    Unlike twenty or forty years ago ; the scale of the Fraud today, cannot simply be dismissed without retribution!

  2. omanuel says:

    YES! Now you are getting to the root of the problem. Dr. Ralph Ciscerone, President of the National Academy of Sciences and climatologist, directing almost every federal agency to divert money to support AGW during annual budget review for Congress.

    Please encourage your US Senators andUS Representatives to address this problem.

    Also, a question is posted on ResearchGate – “Should the UN control the internet?”

    I encourage everyone to comment who is interested.


    Send an email to omatumr2@gmail.com if you encounter any problems posting your opinion on ResearchGate.

    Oliver K. Manuel

  3. Climatism says:

    So it took Tony’s $180 laptop with 2GB memory, in probably under an hour, on his own dime, to tell us more data driven climate truths, for what it would have taken the NAS, hundreds of millions of dollars of *other people’s (taxpayer grant) money* to tell us blatant and scientifically-fraudulent, agenda driven lies.


    The age of collective madness is clear and present, with truly scary scientific precedents being set for our…..”next generation”, who are to inhabit…. “Gaia”.

    • omanuel says:

      Every atom and life in “Gaia” and every other planet in the solar system was made in the Sun and is sustained by invisible force fields from the Sun’s pulsar core, as Max Planck recognized in a speech on “The Essence of Matter” in 1944 in Florence, Italy.

  4. Keitho says:

    We have to stop these bastards.

  5. oz4caster says:

    From what I recall, there is plenty of good evidence that sea level reached about 20 meters (60 feet) above present levels for thousands of years ago during the previous interglacial period (Eemian) that started about 130,000 years ago and stayed at or above modern global temperature for about 15,000 years. Ice core and ocean sediment proxies suggest that global temperature reached about 2C to 4C above the 20th century global average and this was all without any help from humans and with CO2 levels well below what they are now.

    Of course sea levels also dropped by about 150 meters (300 feet) during each of the last several glacial periods. As repeatable as the glacial cycles have been over the last million years, humanity should expect another full cycle over about the next 100,000 years. Our descendants will have to learn to cope with these big changes in climate, including extensive glaciers covering much of northern North America and northern Europe. This is true climate change, but there will be plenty of time to deal with it since the big changes happen over many thousands of years. In 3,000 years the earth may be well on its way into the next glacial period with sea levels dropping instead of rising. And in 50,000 years the earth may be deep into the next glacial period with New York City well inland and covered in ice, along with places like Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis and most of Canada.

    • rah says:


      Though I agree with the idea that we’re in for another glaciation eventually I have to wonder why is it assumed that it will basically be the same in locations and extents as the last?

      • oz4caster says:


        I’m not an expert on glacial periods, but from what I recall reading, each of the last several glacial periods were a bit different in the location of the maximum glacial extent. However, the general pattern was the same, with heavy glaciation covering much of northern North America and much of northern Europe. I see little reason why not to expect something similar next time around.

    • Gail Combs says:

      “there will be plenty of time to deal with it since the big changes happen over many thousands of years.”

      Unfortunately that is not true.
      “If we take a stroll between this interglacial and the last one back, the Eemian, we find in the Greenland ice cores that there were 24 Dansgaard-Oeschger oscillations (Figure 5, originally figure 1. Sole et al, 2007), or abrupt warmings that occurred from just a few years to mere decades that average between 8-10C rises (D-O 19 scored 16C). The nominal difference between earth’s cold (glacial) and warm (interglacial) states being on the order of 20C. “


      ..We will initiate this discussion by looking at some of the early, and then later, recognitions of some of climate change’s “best lap times” in terms of sheer speed. Perhaps one of the more poignant moments in all of climate science occurred in 1992, documented by John D. Cox, writing in Climate Crash: Abrupt Climate Change and What it Means for our Future (John Henry Press, an imprint of the National Academies Press, ISBN: 0-309-54565-X, 224 pages, 2005), which describes the initial discovery of Abrupt Climate Change (ACC) and also introduces a main character, Dr. Richard B. Alley:

      “They knew they had the critical layer of ice in their snow cave [where the ice cores were first processed-wm]. Wanda Kapsner, a Penn State graduate student, had been taking thin sections about every 20 meters along the lengths of core laid out in the cave. She told Alley, ‘This section is in Holocene ice and the next section 20 meters down is in Ice Age ice, and so between these two is where you’re going to find it.'”

      …”The ice that had formed from falling snow during the transition from the last of the cold, dry, windy ice ages to the first of the warm, wet calms of the modern 10,000-year-long Holocene climate is 1,678 meters, just over a mile, down the GISP2 core. Rendered in ice, what exactly would it look like, this boundary of epochs? The young American scientists had read the literature from Chet Langway, Willi Dansgaard, Hans Oeschger, Wally Broecker, and others, and they had heard from the Europeans, who were about a year ahead of them in drilling at Summit. Yet still they were not entirely prepared for what they saw that day in the ice, for the suddenness of it.”

      “‘You did not need to be a trained ice core observer to see this,’ recalled Alley. ‘Ken Taylor is sitting there with the ECM and he’s running along and his green line is going wee, wee, wee, wee – Boing! Weep! Woop! And then it stays down.’ Dust in the windy ice age atmosphere lowered the acidity of the core to a completely new state. ‘We’re just standing there and he just draws a picture of it,”‘Alley said.”

      “Spontaneous celebration was followed by a sudden and unexpected quiet. ‘I think we cheered,’ recalled Alley, ‘and then we were all a little sobered. Because it was just so spectacular. It was what we’d been looking for, and there it was, and then we’re sitting there. Holy crap.'” ….

      “In the GISP2 science trench, the tray holding the section of core rolled down the assembly line and then it was Alley’s turn at the ice. “It slides across in front of me and I’m trying to identify years: ‘That’s a year, that’s a year and that’s a year, and – woops, that one’s only half as thick.’ And it’s sitting there just looking at you. And there’s a huge change in the appearance of the ice, it goes from being clear to being not clear, having a lot of dust.”

      Paper after paper began to roll off the scientific presses from 1992 on, and just like the unfolding recognition of plate tectonics which preceded it by a few decades, it was literally riveting for all of us geologists fascinated by the Quaternary. So we get our first trap-speed: climate can switch abruptly from its cold to its warm state in just one year. Our first peg on the lower-end of natural noise…. — William McClenney, geologist

      Luckily the descent is not as fast… I hope.

      • rah says:

        Can’t be. The way I understand it the onset of glaciation is characterized more by lack of melt during the warmer months rather than by the accumulation during the colder months. Kinda like what’s going on the the Scottish highlands right now.

        Besides, it’s hard to imagine a glacier forming and advancing at anything like the speed they describe for the beginning of the melt in your post. I just can’t see how a scenario anything like that shown in the movie ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ is possible on this earth. Though I have wondered what would happen to our climate and weather if our solar furnace just sort of winked out all of sudden and irradiance and thus insolation dropped lets say to about 1/2 it’s current level over a period of a year or two or five?

      • oz4caster says:

        Gail, by big changes I’m thinking formation and advancement of glaciers hundreds of miles. I doubt that happens quickly. Likewise, associated sea level drop should be relatively slow to occur, taking thousands of years to drop dozens of meters.

        I have noticed that the Greenland ice core estimates of temperature during the last glacial period are much more volatile than the antarctic and ocean sediment estimates. At the end of each of the last four interglacials, the temperatures did drop fairly rapidly for several thousand years and then began showing oscillations as the temperature more slowly descended to the coldest depths of the glacial period. I’m guessing the full glacial extent may not have been reached until the very coldest portion, but I have not seen what the paleo climatologists have to say about this. I also have not seen an explanation as to why the GISP2 ice core was not able to cover the entire glacial period as occurred with ice cores in Antarctica. It apparently ran out of ice, but why?


        • Gail Combs says:

          Problem is even a slight drop in temperature or more erratic spring/fall weather is a major problem for humans. The bottom graph shows the decadal shift in the Köppen (plant based) climate boundaries. The change from the 1930 to the 1970s, a scant four decades is 200 miles. For Russia, China and Canada that is a huge amount of farmland that can no longer be reliably planted in wheat. It also means far northern areas can not even be planted in barley, the grain Vikings planted in Greenland.


          It doesn’t take a glacier sitting on DC to be a problem just a return to the weather of the 1970s.

          “… Since 1972 the grain crisis has intensified…. Since 1969 the storage of grain has decreased from 600 million metric tons to less than 100 million metric tons – a 30 day supply… many governments have gone to great lengths to hide their agricultural predicaments from other countries as well as from their own people…
          The 1974 CIA report: “A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems”

          This problem has been made a lot worse because thanks to the Freedom To Fail Farm Bill the USA no longer has a strategic grain reserve. The 1996 Freedom To Fail was written by Dan Amstutz, VP of Cargill and Later Goldman Sachs. It was written along with the WTO Agreement on Agriculture by Amstutz under Reagan and implemented under Clinton.

          How Goldman Sachs Created the [2008] Food Crisis

          “In summary, we have record low grain inventories globally as we move into a new crop year. We have demand growing strongly. Which means that going forward even small crop failures are going to drive grain prices to record levels. As an investor, we continue to find these long term trends…very attractive.” Food shortfalls predicted: 2008 (wwwDOT)financialsense.com/fsu/editorials/dancy/2008/0104.html

          After the 2008 food crisis:

          Recently there have been increased calls for the development of a U.S. or international grain reserve to provide priority access to food supplies for Humanitarian needs. The National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) and the North American Export Grain Association (NAEGA) strongly advise against this concept..Stock reserves have a documented depressing effect on prices… and resulted in less aggressive market bidding for the grains.” July 22, 2008 letter to President Bush (wwwDOT)naega.org/images/pdf/grain_reserves_for_food_aid.pdf

          Ironically the North American Export Grain Association created the Amstutz Award in tribute to Dan Amstutz for his very successful career representing and championing the ideas and goals of the NAEGA membership. Those goals of course are to screw every last penny out of the poor in return for their daily bread.

          The Amstutz Award is given by the North American Export Grain Association in honor of Dan Amstutz and in recognition of his outstanding and extraordinary service to the export grain and oilseed trade from the United States. Appropriately, the first recipient of this distinguished service award was Mr. Amstutz.

        • Gail Combs says:


          I post stuff about possible glaciation to tweak the noses of the Climate Alarmists. (If you want to be alarmed, be alarmed about the real problem, cooling.)

          As I just stated above, a minor cooling back to the level of the 1970s will cause major problems. I am just following in the footsteps of Stephen Schneider.

          “‘For these reasons we have to announce terrifying scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements with no mention of any doubts whatever which we might have. In order to attract attention, we need dramatic statements leaving no doubt about what is said. Every one of us researchers must decide how far he would want to be honest rather than effective.”

        • I know, Gail, and you know that I don’t like using /sarc tags.

          Did you get a chance to read Pierre’s post about Schellnhuber’s latest lunacy?


        • rah says:

          If we got “alarmed” by such things, we would be “Alarmists”. But I have to admit I’m not happy to see the summer go.
          As I write this at 13:40 this Friday it’s 51 deg F outside with a steady 20 mph wind gusting to 30. The skies are clear and the sun shine is nice but not warming unless your where the wind is blocked.
          I just returned from a short run up to Amish country in Goshen, IN and back on what was supposed to be my day off. Having put close to 4,000 miles behind me since last Thursday and I’m a little tired and don’t feel like doing what needs to be done outside today. It would have been done already had I not been called in from vacation two days early last week.
          If I sound like I’m a little disgruntled, it’s because I am. This all came about because one of us five guaranteed drivers had a family emergency in Colorado and because another had a problem from a recent surgery and was readmitted to the hospital. And because some regular drivers committed to loads didn’t show up to do their jobs. I get paid well for what I do as compared to the average class A truck driver. In the upper 10% nationally. But sometimes……….well, I’d just like to be able to use my two weeks vacation when I want and not end up selling back days as I will once again this year it appears.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Rah, I woke up to a temperature of 44F and right now it is 66F. When I first moved to NC, I saw people mowing lawns in December in their short sleeved shirts so this is a bit cool for this time of year.

          Getting your vacation interrupted is a real bummer. I had planned a major back packing trip in the Tetons for my first time I had a three week vacation. A week before I was to leave the B1tch I worked for told me she was firing me. (When the VP came back from vacation and realized she had used his vacation to fire me He had her fired so there was a bit of Karma.)

  6. Billy Liar says:

    Are so-called climate scientists branching out into real estate advice now?

    Benjamin Strauss – climate clown.

  7. For my own part, I just bought Florida waterfront property before I was properly alerted to the risk!!! I shudder with disgust and fear every time I birdwatch, snorkel, kayak, and fish from my backyard. Seeing the value on ZIllow’s property value estimates nearly double what I paid for it is the hardest part. I just wish the message had been out sooner that this property would be worthless in scant years… If only I could turn back time and breathe a little slower to ease the horrific burden carbon dioxide has placed on the world and now, cruel fate, on me!

    • Marsh says:

      Yes Ashley, there is a funny side to the nonsense but we also have to remember ; its all part of a Scam that will disadvantage a great many people in society, unfortunately.

  8. nutso fasst says:

    Someone better tell Miami developer Jeff Berkowitz about this impending disaster. His latest hi-rise will reach 1,045 feet above sea level. But the land on which it’s to be built is only 4 feet above sea level.


    But then, maybe he’s installing boat docks on the second floor.

  9. rah says:

    The National Acadamy of Sciences isn’t the only one chiming in for the ramp up to Paris. National Geographic has gotten in the act also. Here’s their latest blast of Climate Change propaganda. Had to chuckle when I saw Bill Nye the nonsensical science guy has a couple pieces in there. What a bunch of idiots!


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