Barack Obama Drags Science Back To The Dark Ages

Ten years ago, James Hansen (who predicted that Manhattan would be underwater by 2008) complained that NASA didn’t want him making policy statements which he wasn’t authorized to make.

ScreenHunter_3476 Oct. 15 11.42

Climate Expert Says NASA Tried to Silence Him – New York Times

Barack Obama promised to change that, which he did. He wants to prosecute any scientists which disagree with his junk science.

ScreenHunter_3477 Oct. 15 11.46

A new low in science: Criminalizing climate change skeptics | Fox News

Obama is using the same model which the Vatican did in the 16th century, to intimidate scientists into compliance with the official agenda.


Science can’t function in an environment where the government is intimidating and bribing scientists into a “consensus” – which is exactly what Barack Obama wants. He is using scientists to achieve a political agenda, and the very last thing he wants is an honest scientific discussion to interfere.

President Eisenhower warned us about the dangers of an Obama 55 years ago.

“The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present  and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific/technological elite.”

  • Dwight Eisenhower

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to Barack Obama Drags Science Back To The Dark Ages

  1. omanuel says:

    The Climategate scandal seems to be the necessary darkest moment in our history before a worldwide awakening to the reality that Max Planck realized in 1944: A “conscious and intelligent Mind” guides the force that holds the spinning subatomic particles [(e-, p+) pairs] together as atoms. That is the “Matrix of all matter.”

    That force originates in the Sun’s pulsar core for every atom and life in the solar system.

    If world leaders and society awaken to the reality of powerlessness over the force that sustains our lives, society may be magically transformed.

    May the force be with us all as the Climategate scandal draws to its inevitable conclusion.

    See also:

  2. PeterB in Indianapolis says:

    A bit off-topic for this particular post, but it is mid-October, and it looks like we haven’t even hit Antarctic sea-ice maximum yet this year. Highly unusual and very interesting!

  3. rah says:

    Seems to me that the real problem is there are “scientists” that agree with Obamas’ agenda and will lie, cheat, and do what ever else is necessary to further it so the checks keep coming in.

  4. Billy Liar says:

    NASA should have fired him for bringing the agency into disrepute (if it had any reputation left at that time, of course).

  5. Mark Bowlin says:

    If I remember right, Hansen gave some 1600 speeches/interviews during the period he complained about being muzzled.

    • Marsh says:

      And it was Bush that muzzled Hansen ; I have a whole new respect for Bush… or is it that President Obama makes other bad Presidents look good !

      • Gail Combs says:

        Bad presidents look good…

        Hansen by law was not allowed to do the outside presentations he did. He amassed millions in outside speaking fees.

        • Marsh says:

          It’s true in that Hansen defied the law at the time of President Bush ; today, Hansen has an unlimited reign, with Obama on his side ! Barack Obama drags Science back to the Dark Ages….

  6. Hifast says:

    Reblogged this on Climate Collections and commented:
    “The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific/technological elite.”

    Dwight Eisenhower

  7. omanuel says:

    Thank you, Higast, for the reminder that today is the 70th birthday of the United Nations !.

    For seventy years, after the UN was established on 24 Oct 1945, governments have paid greedy scientists worldwide to obscure the beautiful, bountiful, benevolent and simple, but well-functioning, Universe (Truth, Reality and God) [1] from the public [2].

    That is the root cause of today’s social unrest, mistrust of government, chaos and violence.

    Limits on the worldwide web of deception are a topic of much discussion [3,4], but no personal comprehension.


    1. “Stalin’s science” or “Solar energy” or

    2. “Dark skies”

    3. “The truth about the law”

    4. “The plan for the end of Europe”

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