“Belief” In The Consensus

Progress is always made by people who went against the consensus.

Continental Drift forms the foundations of geology, yet the consensus fought against it for most of the last century. The last remnants of the clueless consensus didn’t disappear until the 1980s

“Utter, damned rot!” said the president of the prestigious American Philosophical Society.

“If we are to believe [this] hypothesis, we must forget everything we have learned in the last 70 years and start all over again,” said another American scientist.

Anyone who “valued his reputation for scientific sanity” would never dare support such a theory, said a British geologist.

Thus did most in the scientific community ridicule the concept that would revolutionize the earth sciences and revile the man who dared to propose it, German meteorological pioneer and polar explorer Alfred Wegener. Science historians compare his story with the tribulations of Galileo.

Wegener, Alfred

Obama wants to make it illegal to not have faith in his imaginary consensus of experts

Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts

– Richard Feynman

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to “Belief” In The Consensus

  1. tom konerman says:

    Mr. Heller, is it possible to discuss the government regulation of the internet? “net neutrality” as it’s called.

    • tom konerman says:

      Thanks Tony! You must have read my mind. I scrolled down a few more articles and found you already started one.

  2. emsnews says:

    I remember that dispute well. Dr. Damon, father of my childhood dear friend John, while I was still a kid, fought hard for the concept of plate tectonic movement theory of how the continents formed and moved about the planet over the last billion+ years.

    I remember the fights within NASA about this. The older scientists all hated the idea and thought the earth was set in stone. Sort of like the young herd of foolish climate experts working for NASA today who can’t read their own data to see we are sliding into another very cold cycle.

    • Jason Calley says:

      Hey ems! Plate tectonics was conclusively disproved early on by the complete lack of funding allocated to it. 🙂

  3. gator69 says:

    Back in the 1970’s when I began studying Geology, my father ridiculed my choice saying Geology was not a science, partly because of the plate tectonic debate. The punky brewsters of the alarmist world lack the experience of age, and the older alarmists lack ethics.

  4. Gail Combs says:

    If everyone ‘believed in the Consensus’ we would still be bare arsed in a small corner of Africa eating leaves and trying to catch game with our bare hands and our closes DNA cousins, the Chimpanzee would rule the world. {:>D

    … Chimpanzees are capable of making spears to hunt other primates and have been seen using the weapons to apparently kill bushbabies for meat, scientists announced today.

    The researchers based their findings on observations of omnivorous chimps [image] that dwell in savannahs similar to those from which humanity’s ancestors are thought to have emerged.

    “It is not adult males, but young chimpanzees, including adolescent females, who are exhibiting this behavior,”

    …Adult males have long been regarded as the hunters in chimp groups. However, females, particularly adolescent females, and young chimps in general were seen exhibiting this behaviour more frequently than adult males. “It’s classic in primates that when there is a new innovation, particularly in terms of tool use, the younger generations pick it up very quickly. The last ones to pick up are adults, mainly the males.” said Dr Pruetz. This is because young chimps pick the skill up from their mothers, with whom they spend a lot of their time. The researchers concluded that their findings support a theory that females may have played a similarly important role in the evolution of tool technology among early humans.

    It has now been discovered that chimpanzees use objects – stems, twigs, branches, leaves, and rocks – in many different ways to accomplish tasks associated with feeding, drinking, cleaning and grooming themselves , investigating out-of-reach objects, and as weapons. In differing communities chimpanzees make and use different objects for different purposes.
    These behaviours, passed from one generation to the next through observational learning, can be regarded as primitive cultures ….

    This study has a bit of P/C bias.

    ….In some sites the quantity of meat eaten by a chimpanzee community may approach one ton annually. Recently revealed aspects of predation by chimpanzees, such as its frequency and the use of meat as a political and reproductive tool, have important implications for research on the origins of human behavior. These findings come at a time when many anthropologists argue for scavenging rather than hunting as a way of life for early human ancestors. Research into the hunting ecology of wild chimpanzees may therefore shed new light on the current debate about the origins of human behavior.

    One of the most important and intriguing questions in human evolution is when meat became an important part of the diet of our ancestors….

  5. rah says:

    Ah yes! But as we have learned so well TWICE, many Americans do not understand that “Change” does not mean progress and in fact Change can result in the elimination of, or even the roll back of, progress.

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