Shock News : Obama Trying To Cover Up Benghazi

Gregory Hicks, the former Deputy Chief of Mission in Libya who testified before Congress about the 9/11 attacks on an American diplomatic facility earlier this year, believes he has been “punished” for speaking out about the Obama administration’s response the night of the attack. He said he believes at least two of the Americans lost that night could have been saved if the United States had responded in time.

“I don’t know why I was punished,” Hicks said in an interview with ABC’s This Week. “I don’t know why I was shunted aside, put in a closet if you will.”

Hick said he will continue to talk about the attacks because “the American people need to have the story” of what took place that night and the four Americans who were lost in the attacks “should be remembered.” He also believes that former Navy SEALS Ty Woods and Glen Doherty, who died eight hours after the initial attack on the diplomatic mission, could have been saved.

Benghazi Whistleblower: I’ve Been ‘Punished’ for Speaking Out | National Review Online

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Shock News : Obama Trying To Cover Up Benghazi

  1. RAVerhoeckx says:

    It becomes quite evident that Obama and his underlings really don’t give a hoot about American citizens lifes. The only thing that is important is that ends justify the means for Obama’s existance on the political grab for ultimate power!

  2. Hugh K says:

    Has anyone heard (the truth) why SOCOM didn’t send assets to extract Woods and Doherty?

    • David says:

      only speculation and circumstancial evidence of arms smuggling to Islamists.

      • Hugh K says:

        Thanks David. That is all I’ve heard as well. Someone had to give the order not to send air support at the least. At this point it doesn’t appear the truth will ever get out — The Obama Admin has government workers scared shitless.

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