Payback Time From Gaia

Politicians in DC and Brussels are working tirelessly on stealing taxpayer money via the global warming scam, as nature slams them with record springtime cold.

ScreenHunter_187 Mar. 12 12.34 ScreenHunter_187 Mar. 12 12.33

Short-Term Climate Outlooks

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Payback Time From Gaia

  1. gator69 says:

    She is pissed, and especially at golfers…

    “A Missouri father was hoping for a hole-in-one when he set out for a day of golf on Friday – but he didn’t think he’d end up the one in the hole.

    St Louis mortgage banker and avid golfer Mark Mihal was with friends at the Annbriar Golf Course near Waterloo when he suddenly disappeared into the turf on the fairway of the 14th hole.

    The 43-year-old fell into a bell-shaped enclosure below the green that measured 15 feet deep and 10 feet wide, surprising his golf pals and the course management who said this was the first time anything like this had happened.”

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  2. Andy Oz says:

    The Australian BOM have become a pessimistic bunch. They must believe the UK Guardian rather than their own data records. First chart shows last 12 months min temp anomaly across Australia. Nothing dramatic. Just MOST of the continent was significantly cooler than average for the year.

    Forecast for next 3 months they reckon the minimum temps will mostly hotter than average (with recent announcements saying crap about CO2 causing it.)
    Guess we’ll see.

  3. Marco says:

    It’s -10.7C here (The Netherlands) right now at midnight. That’s 13.5C below the normal minimum temperature for this period, with lots of nightly cooling to come. They will need a new color for that anomaly map…

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