The US Wasn’t Built By Stupid People

I’m working on a  project in Fort Collins with 15 engineers. Eleven are Brazilian, two are from India, one from China and two Americans (including me.) I have worked on other engineering projects where I was the only American on a large team.

With Americans getting stupider and stupider (electing people like Obama, Biden and Gore, and devoting their pointless lives to trying to alter the weather) – we need foreign technical talent to fill in the stupidity gap.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to The US Wasn’t Built By Stupid People

  1. That explains why Obama, when addressing the vast hordes of admirers that attend his speeches, can accurately say “you didn’t build that.” I may be beginning to believe him once or twice.

  2. It’s not just a labor cost thing?

  3. Pathway says:

    We are loosing the race. My son graduated with a couple of advanced degrees from a small eastern business school a couple of years ago. The class was about 200 people. 50% were from china, 15% from India and the rest a mix of eastern european and Americans. It is no wonder the chinese are kicking our ass.

    • RoHa says:

      Why can’t Americans spell “lose” and “losing”? Is this more of the advancing stupidity?

      • squid2112 says:

        And why can’t anyone figure out the difference between “to” and “too” ? … I see that all over the place and it drives me nuts.

        Next up, why don’t people also learn the difference between “deficit” and “debt” ?

      • tckev says:

        We have too large a deficit in learning and teaching subjects that are needed to maintain our country. Continuation of this trend will put us in debt to foreign countries supplying us with the products and services we need just to live.

        Or to put it another way –

        We have a shortfall in eduction that will put us all in hock to many other nations.

  4. RoHa says:

    The stupidity is shown in the fact that Obama was the lesser evil!

  5. Andy DC says:

    At the U of MD, Asians have a huge majority in any department dealing with math or hard science. I remember a time when there were lots of smart white people, but no longer.

  6. SMS says:

    It’s hard to educate American students for engineering and science positions in this country when so many of our educational resources are used to graduate students with useless degrees. No one is motivated to work hard, or think; just party…….. and then depend on bed-hopping actors and singers for their political advice.

  7. savebyj says:


  8. philjourdan says:

    Smart people build. Stupid people destroy.

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