UK Faces Drought Catastrophe

I am watching the Chelsea/Swansea match being played in freezing cold rain, and remembered that a global warming induced drought threatens to wreck the UK.

April 17, 2012

Parts of England face drought ‘catastrophe’ 

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to UK Faces Drought Catastrophe

  1. Ibbo says:

    Ever since the Gw predicted drought it has pissed it down the entire summer.

    In fact the UK forecast for Bonfire night is for one of the coldest in recent memory.


  2. Sundance says:

    My son is at the Arsenal game this week and he is probably more concerned about a draught (as in a nice English ale) than a drought. 🙂 The little stinker is already way ahead of me on his bucket list. I’ve been to an professional rugby game in England but not EPL football yet. I can only guess that they sell Pukka-Pies at EPL events.

  3. Stephen Richards says:

    This prediction has gone the way of all failures in government and government oganisations. Conveniently forgotten. They are now saying that there will be floods because the ground is saturated. Then it will be because they are frozen; Then it will be ………. & so on.

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