My New Camera

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I bought a new pocket camera last week for less than $200 – a Nikon S7000 – and was playing with it last night as the sun set. It has a 20X optical/30X digital zoom, and am very impressed so far.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to My New Camera

  1. Gail Combs says:

    I like Nikons. I still have my two 35mm from 1975.

    Darn good cameras and built to last. I dragged those two cameras through caves, up mountains, backpacking on 30 mile horse drawn cart trips — all over. They still work fine.

  2. gator69 says:

    Who knew there were dogs on the moon? It’s eerie, almost like they knew you were taking their picture. Psychic moon dogs!

  3. wizzum says:

    I must update soon but my 6 MP EOS rebel SLR has all the resolution I can use. (yes its old but still works great).

  4. Is that chemtrails I can see? (Joke)

  5. au1corsair says:

    Check out the video features. I don’t know your camera but modern cell phones and digital cameras out-perform the old 8mm home movie cameras in every way. The video clip duration is longer than the 50 foot cassette of the 8mm and most home movie cameras took only silent movies. Add editing software to your computer and you can assemble movies that rival the 16mm in quality–and can be hours long.
    The main thing I like about the modern digital camera is that I get immediate results. No setting up a dark room in a hotel closet. No need to visit a film processing center or use the mails to get negatives developed and prints made. Lots of electronic storage means I don’t NEED to print stills–unless I want to. Cheap storage media compared to reels of film (deteriorating film) means that a compact Nook or Kindle type device can hold a movie library, a “print” book library, and thousands of images. And with an internet connection and a few key strokes I can send these to anybody almost instantly.
    Electronic video recording has been around since the early 1950’s in both still and moving picture formats but the analog recording equipment was bulky, overly heat-sensitive, and there were issues with limited data storage capacity on the media.
    But you probably knew all that already.

  6. rah says:

    The KS-99 Still Camera set which was team issue to SF ODAs when I was in was Nikon. Some other KS-99 versions used Olympus products.

    Believe or not we did quite a bit of photography training including how to reduce a printed document into a microfiche chip and how to blow photographs up for intelligence analysis. This was all possible with that KS-99 set and all could be done in the field. At times we developed black & white film using a field Jacket as an expedient for a dark room. Now days I suspect all of that stuff is accomplished much easier digitally in the military.

    I will never forget spending a couple hours expanding a microfiche chip sent to us when we were training in trade craft in Berlin. The message was encoded using a book cipher run through a trigraph. Once decoded it was a joke having something to do with Kermit and his little green balls. So much for SF humor.

    • That was my first thought when I tried it out in the store – a great spy camera with that sharp 20X optical zoom.

      • rah says:

        I used a Kodak disc camera at times back in the 80s in the field. Very handy.little deal and easy to whip out quickly and use but no zoom. Tried binophotography with it a couple times. That worked pretty well if the subject was in bright sunlight otherwise it was a no go.

      • John Silver says:

        I’m sorry to say this, but there is nothing called “digital zoom”. It’s just cropping.

        • Disillusioned says:

          I believe perhaps what you were trying to communicate is that the net effect with fewer, larger pixels in a digitally zoomed (cropped) image, is image degradation.

          While that is true, I disagree on both counts with what you said. They actually DO “call” it “digital zoom.” And the image is not “just” cropped. Every digicam I have ever used that has a digital zoom that begins at the end of the maximum optical focal length, does not “just” crop the image – the processing software in the cam also upsizes the image, so the file size is the same as the images in the optical zoom range.

  7. getting commissions for referrals? 🙂

  8. The 4 pics in sequence tell a story. The first dog is saying yeah, you can fly me to the moon, and the second pic the dog is saying no, I don’t want to go. The 3rd and 4th pic are of the first dog.

  9. Jack Barton says:

    Yes, but is it a tax write-off? 😛

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