Ice-Free Days In Spitspergen Tripled During Non-Existent 1915-1940 warming

NASA has recently erased pre-1940 Arctic warming from the historical record, but navigational records from the time showed that the number of ice-free days in Spitsbergen tripled during that time.

ScreenHunter_1077 Dec. 30 12.20

Variations of Arctic sea ice extent in the 20th century from dataset based on available Russian observations


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Ice-Free Days In Spitspergen Tripled During Non-Existent 1915-1940 warming

  1. Robertv says:

    Another inconvenient truth.

  2. Michael says:

    Lucky for the Russians or Churchill wouldn’t have been able to supply nearly as much material to Arkhangelsk to help fight the Nazis.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    I was gonna be a smartarse and say Spitzbergen experienced a temporary continental drift south, however this is a data set that pokes another hole in the CAGW myth. As if there weren’t enough holes already. Nice one Steven.

  4. Layman Lurker says:

    The Spitsbergen navigation intervals line up nicely with Isfjord ,Svalbard raw temperature data (courtesy KNMI)

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