Smoking Gun That NCDC Data Adjustments Are Incorrect

The graph below plots the difference between adjusted NCDC US temperature anomalies and RSS US temperature anomalies. NCDC shows a strong US warming trend, and RSS shows no US warming trend. NCDC and RSS are diverging at an astonishing 2.4ºC per century.


Climate at a Glance | Time Series


The divergence between the raw NCDC data (US HCN) and RSS satellites is much smaller (see graph below) – indicating that not only are the NCDC adjustments wrong, but they are actually going the wrong direction.


Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Smoking Gun That NCDC Data Adjustments Are Incorrect

  1. Olaf Koenders says:

    There are a few trails of teeny black ants around my yard. Normally I just leave them alone. Yesterday, I noticed they made a line to my door, which was taking their liberty a bit too far.

    I got the fly spray and blew them all back. There were many casualties.

    Today, some of them are carrying placards protesting against climate change.

  2. Anto says:

    Excellent and conclusive, Steve. Well done. I love your adjustment graphs more than anything. Keep hammering away at that wall and eventually it will fall in.

  3. isbobc says:

    Well, it is the National Centre for Data Correction isn’t it!

  4. tallbloke says:

    Reblogged this on Tallbloke's Talkshop and commented:
    Steve Goddard exposing NCDC malfeasance.

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